Volume 24, Number 1 / February 2024
Letter from the Editors
Best Wishes for a Great Year Ahead!
Dear Friends,
Happy Losar! Celebrate the Tibetan New Year beginning February 10, 2024, an auspicious time for letting go of the past and readying oneself for the new! As Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche had encouraged during the winter retreat, we should engage with our resolutions, and act, and be strong in the new year, and believe that we can! More
An Excerpt from Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche's 3 Doors Teachings, December 2023
In the teachings, the two-fold topic of wisdom and compassion comes up again and again, two very simple things. I admire His Holiness the Dalai Lama's teaching a lot, and we all know very clearly that the Dalai Lama emphasizes the compassion aspect so much. He's so well known for that topic that he's even become famous for his message of compassion. More
The Year of the Wood Dragon
Please join us in celebrating Losar! February 10, 2024, begins the Tibetan New Year, the Year of the Male Wood Dragon. Celebrate and practice online on February 10 and 11. Join Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, our resident and guest lamas, instructors and other guests for guided meditations, rituals, prayers, music and conversations. More
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche's Worldwide Teaching Schedule
Upcoming in 2024
Here is Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche's upcoming teaching schedule. Rinpoche will be traveling a lot in 2024! His schedule so far includes retreats throughout the year in the U.S., Mexico, Italy, Ireland, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Spain, the Netherlands, Poland, Hungary and Nepal. More
Spring Wellness Retreat at Serenity Ridge
April 10-14 with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
In spring the world is born anew. Connecting to the rhythms and patterns of nature, we come into our own well-being. The Spring Wellness Retreat, Transforming Life and Health Through Nature, Movement, Breath and Meditation, is an invitation to bring awareness into the patterns of our daily life for reflection, renewal and transformation. More
Flight of the Bon Monks
Book Tells True Story of Bon Monks' Escape from Tibet and Survival of Bon
Harvey Rice and Jackie Cole, who are husband and wife, have written an amazing book that details the trials and triumphs of Bon's highest teachers during Tibet's most agonizing period and the founding of Menri Monastery in India. The book is titled Flight of the Bon Monks: War, Persecution, and the Salvation of Tibet's Oldest Religion. More
Menri Drupchen: The Great Medicine Retreat
This April at Menri Monastery in India
Menri Monastery welcomes everyone to attend Menri Drupchen, the Great Medicine Retreat led by His Holiness the 34th Gyalwa Menri Trizin Rinpoche, spiritual head of the Bon tradition, in Dolanji, India, April 11-27, 2024. More
Finding Protection in Our Own Inner Refuge
Tenzin Rinpoche Introduces New Series of 24-Hour Full Moon Practices
With the start of the Tibetan New Year, a brand-new series of Full Moon practices begins! You are warmly invited to join Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche on Friday, February 23, at 10 a.m. New York time as he introduces the new CyberSangha series on Finding Refuge Within. More
Upcoming Ligmincha Learning Courses
Three Heart Mantras, Ngondro, Sleep Yoga, Five Elements
Ligmincha Learning is happy to invite you to attend several online prerecorded courses with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche this February and March 2024. These online courses feature beautiful video teachings, guided meditations, readings, journal writing activities, and the opportunity to interact with senior mentors and classmates from around the world. More
Interview with Geshe Denma Gyaltsen
Part of Sacred Interviews Series
Ligmincha International and Ligmincha Brazil launched a new online program in November called Sacred Interviews. During the first session, participants could ask questions related to their practice and to the teachings, and learn more about the life and background of Geshe Denma Gyaltsen, resident lama of Ligmincha Texas. Here are some excerpts from that interview. More
Tibetan Dream Yoga
GlideWing Online Workshop Begins February 17
GlideWing is pleased to offer Tibetan Dream Yoga, a four-week online video workshop with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche from February 17-March 17, 2024. Based on Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche's best-selling book Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep. This newly updated four-week workshop guides you in cultivating greater awareness, freedom and flexibility during every moment of life More
Nurture Your Practice in 2024
The 3 Doors Offers Support
The 3 Doors offerings include immersive programs to deepen your learning, global online gatherings to experience the vitality of community, and ongoing drop-in practice groups to receive the benefits of steady support. Prerecorded programs and short daily meditations also are offered to bring attention to the present and connect with openness. More
Sharing the Timeless Joy
From the VOCL Archives
Enjoy Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche's timeless wisdom along with with beautiful photographs taken by Salvador Espinosa at Menri Monastery in India while visiting there with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and son, Senghe, during Losar in February 2018, and from Serenity Ridge during that New Year's Sang celebration. Brief excerpts from Rinpoche's book Healing with Form, Energy and Light are interspersed in the article. Previously published in Voice of Clear Light, April 2018. More
Student and Teacher
Together on the Path
At times, the suffering we feel can be overwhelming, as a student shares below. Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche responds with both compassion and wisdom in this exchange during a retreat in Mexico back in 2015 titled The Power of Warmth, Physical Healing Through Meditation. This webcast is archived on the CyberSangha website. More
Spanish Translation of VOCL
Link to December 2023 Issue Now Available
Look for the translations of Voice of Clear Light newsletters at the top of the VOCL website.