Volume 22, Number 4/ August 2022
Letter from the Editors
The Play of Time and Timeless
Dear Friends,
The world conspired recently for us to rediscover a treasury of Rinpoche's teachings that had been included in some early Voice of Clear Light newsletters. Enjoying the timelessness of these teachings, we also realized, when looking at the dates on some of the newsletters, that we have been editing the VOCL for 20 years! In celebration, we share two excerpts from 2002 More

Finding Yourself in the Nature of Mind
An Excerpt from Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche's Winter Retreat 2002
In order to directly experience the nature of mind, during dzogchen practice we try to create certain conditions within the body, speech and mind. We use postures or movements of the physical body, practices of the breath, and the concentration and focus of awareness of the mind.
It is not as if the nature of mind is a separate object, a separate place to where you as a subject can take a bus, train or a plane. It is not like that. There is no place to go, no place to search for the nature of mind. Nor is the nature of mind a form with a particular shape or color that you can experience. More

Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche's Upcoming Teaching Schedule
August Through December 2022
Here is Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche's teaching schedule for the remainder of 2022. Rinpoche will offer two more seasonal retreats at Serenity Ridge in Virginia this year, both in person and online, as well as other retreats in Europe, Colorado and California. Many of his retreats will be offered both in person and online. More

Prayer Wheels at Serenity Ridge Coming Soon!
Thanks to Generous Support from Fundraiser
Thanks to a successful start to our 2022 fundraising activities, Serenity Ridge Retreat Center will soon have 15 stunning prayer wheels lining the path between Kunzang Khang and Garuda House. These prayer wheels were gifted to the center by Vicki Wheaton just as covid struck and everything had to shut down. Now, thanks to more than $13,000 raised through the summer auction and the generosity of donors contributing directly, we are now working to install the wheels. More
Geshe Choekhortshang Rinpoche Coming to the United States!
Join Us at Serenity Ridge on Online August 13-14 for Special Dzogchen Teaching
Geshe Choekhortshang Rinpoche, well known throughout Europe and to Ligmincha's online community for his warmth, humor and breadth of knowledge, very recently received a five-year visa for the United States! This will be his first visit to the US, and he has agreed to offer a dzogchen teaching at Serenity Ridge August 13-14. More

Opening Your Heart to the World
3 Doors Weekend Retreat with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and Other Programs
This summer and fall, The 3 Doors is offering a number of programs open to everyone where participants will be guided to deepen their experience of inner refuge, explore what arises within the support of community, and more fully integrate meditation into daily life for the benefit of self and others. More
A-tri Dzogchen Retreat with Tenzin Rinpoche
In Colorado September 23-25 or Online
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche will be returning to Crestone, Colorado September 23-25 to continue his teaching on the dzogchen text, The Stages of A-tri Meditation. The A-tri is an essential meditation guide to one of the three main dzogchen lineages in the Tibetan Bon tradition.
Rinpoche will be presenting these teachings at the beautiful Colorado College campus in Crestone, Colorado, and simultaneously with our worldwide sangha via Zoom. More
Something New Coming This October to Serenity Ridge!
Combined Fall Retreat and Serenity Ridge Dialogues
Serenity Ridge is excited to announce a major change in our event schedule this fall! For the first time, from October 11-16, the Fall Retreat and Serenity Ridge Dialogues will merge. The mornings will focus on teachings and practice from the Bon Mother Tantra, this year the Five Elements and Tsa Lung (five energetic movements for clearing the channels and winds). During the afternoons the Serenity Ridge Dialogues will bring presenters together for discussion and practice. More
Ligmincha Learning's Upcoming Courses
Including New Lungta Course with Khandro Tsering Wangmo Khymsar
Ligmincha Learning is pleased to offer a brand-new course on Raising Lungta with Prayer Flags with Khandro Tsering Wangmo Khymsar, the wife of Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, beginning August 1. Two other upcoming video-based online courses will begin in September. More
Ligmincha's Umdze Training for Practice Leaders
How the Program Evolved and Is Continuing to Change
In the past, when Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche was invited to teach in a country, he encouraged the participants to practice together. During the past 30 years, practice groups were formed in many countries, and all these groups needed practice leaders. Until a few years ago, all the countries had to find out by themselves how to organize that.
In 2019 Ligmincha International launched an online training program for practice leaders (called umdzes) worldwide. The training course is available through Ligmincha Learning. More
Upcoming CyberSangha Events
Clearing Obstacles of the Mind August 10
The CyberSangha team warmly invites you to join in the following new offerings. They include a teaching and guided meditation with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche on August 10 followed by a 24-hour full moon practice on August 11. More
Second New Free Online Classes Through CyberSangha
Allowing Clear, Positive Action to Arise Begins September 15
CyberSangha is happy to announce that its free online classes continue with Allowing Clear, Positive Action to Arise, a monthlong meditation course for releasing effort related to our negative actions and connecting more fully with our inner stillness, the source of clear and positive action. More
Upcoming GlideWing Online Workshop
Healing from the Source Begins August 20
GlideWing is pleased to offer Healing from the Source, a three-week online workshop with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche from August 20-September 11. Participants will practice from their own homes, at their own schedule, with guidance from Rinpoche. More
Student and Teacher
Relating to Meditative Experiences
This edited excerpt is from oral teachings given by Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche during Ligmincha's Tenth Annual Summer Retreat, July 2002, and was included in a VOCL from 2002.
Sometimes during meditation practice you find you are looking for experiences. You want something, whether it is great bliss or perhaps a kundalini experience. And when you have an experience in practice, you often completely forget about the basis of the experience More
Spanish Translation of VOCL
Link to June Issue Now Available
Look for the translations of Voice of Clear Light newsletters at the top of the VOL website.
Read VOCL in Spanish