A-tri Dzogchen Retreat with Tenzin Rinpoche
In Colorado September 23-25 or Online

Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche will be returning to Crestone, Colorado September 23-25 to continue his teaching on the dzogchen text, The Stages of A-tri Meditation. The A-tri is an essential meditation guide to one of the three main dzogchen lineages in the Tibetan Bon tradition.
Rinpoche will be presenting these teachings at the beautiful Colorado College campus in Crestone, Colorado, and simultaneously with our worldwide sangha via Zoom. We invite you to attend these special teachings in the physical presence of our teacher in the inspirational setting of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains of Colorado.
You will not discover a more clear or concise guide to dzogchen practice than the A-tri. Written by the 13th century master Drugyalwa Yungdrung, based on even earlier teachings, this step-by-step guide introduces preliminary practices, the nature of mind, and how to deepen one's practice and understanding until ultimate liberation. A book on the A-tri, based on Rinpoche's teachings in the Netherlands over a seven-year period, was published recently by the Netherlands sangha and is now being revised for publication in the United States by Sacred Sky Press.
This retreat is the second in a three-part series that Tenzin Rinpoche began in September 2021. As part of the registration package, all who register will receive video recordings from last year, which can be reviewed before this year's retreat. All are welcome! The third teaching in the series is planned for September 2023, both in person and online. The retreat is sponsored by Chamma Ling Colorado, with the support of Ligmincha International.
Schedule: (subject to change)
Friday, September 23: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mountain Time (11 a.m.-7 p.m. New York time)
Saturday, September 24: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mountain Time (11 a.m.-7 p.m. New York time)
Sunday, September 25: 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Mountain Time (11 a,m.-3 p.m. New York time)
Registration will open soon.