Teaching Issue
Volume 14, Number 1 / February 2014

Letter from the Editors
Winds of Change
Dear Friends,
Greetings! We want to remind everyone of Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche’s recent request for all of us to recite the long-life mantra for H.E. Yongdzin Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche. More

'Shining Through with the Light of Awareness'
Edited Excerpt from Transcript of Oral Teachings on ‘Tibetan Yogas of Body, Speech, and Mind' Given by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, February 2012
When you are conscious, that consciousness, that awareness, has a wind. Literally, it's like a wind, what we call prana. Energy moves through that, and when there's awareness More

Free Live Webcasts with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Good Fortune for the Tibetan New Year, Calm Abiding Meditation and More
Don’t miss the following upcoming webcasts with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche! Except as noted, you can participate in any of these free events by visiting the live-broadcast page on the Ligmincha Institute website. More

Spring Retreat: April 11–13, 2014
Winds of Change: Discovering the Healing Power of Mind and Prana
During this three-day retreat at Ligmincha Institute’s Serenity Ridge Retreat Center, participants will explore methods to heal physical and emotional pain by discovering the power of the open awareness of mind. Both new and experienced students of meditation are invited to join this special retreat!
Learn more and register

Registration Open for Summer Retreat at Serenity Ridge
'The Twenty One Nails, Part 2' Open to All
Everyone is warmly invited to attend this summer’s retreat on the topic of “The Twenty-One Nails, Part 2.” The retreat is set for June 22–July 12, 2014 and is among the innermost secret cycles of Tibetan Bon Buddhist dzogchen, directly cutting through doubts about one’s natural state. Join us for one, two or all three weeks. No prerequisites are required.
Learn more and register

A Message for the Sangha
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche Explains How to ‘Nurture Sacred Community’
On Dec. 29, Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche gave a special live webcast directed specifically to the sangha, the community of spiritual practitioners. The recorded webcast More

Please Donate Items to 2014 Summer Fundraising Auction
See How You Can Help Ligmincha
As we begin planning for our 2014 Summer Retreat, we are looking forward to the annual summer fundraising auction, celebrated each year during the retreat. The auction, to be held this year on Friday, June 27, 2014, is an important public fundraising event for Ligmincha Institute More

Consider the Three Doors Academy
Attend Taste of Three Doors Weekend Seminar to Find Out More
The Three Doors is pleased to announce the next U.S. Academy will begin in the Spring of 2015. The U.S.-3 Academy will be presented by Marcy Vaughn and Gabriel Rocco. The Three Doors Academies are designed to support personal transformation through contemplation and meditation More

End-of-Year Fundraising Campaign
Successful Campaign Raises Funds for Improvements at Serenity Ridge
Ligmincha Institute is thrilled to announce the results of the end-of-year fundraising campaign. Generous contributions from sangha members and friends near and far resulted in raising $23,000, with a net income of $20,530 after fundraising expenses. More
Ligmincha’s Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2013
Read About Ligmincha Finances and Much More
Ligmincha Institute has published its Annual Report for fiscal year 2013. Read about what has been happening during fiscal year 2013 (Oct. 1, 2012 through Sept. 30, 2013) at Serenity Ridge, internationally and online, and view a report of Ligmincha’s finances. You also can learn what Ligmincha Council members have been doing, read a special message from Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and view photos from His Holiness Lungtok Tenpai Nyima’s visit to Serenity Ridge during the 2013 Summer Retreat.
2013 Ligmincha Institute Annual Report

Ligmincha's Internship Program at Serenity Ridge
Looking for New Recruits to Start in May
Over the last couple of years, Serenity Ridge Retreat Center has been home to a small group of interns who have been a tremendous help to the day-to-day functioning of the center and retreats. Ligmincha is now expanding its internship program and recruiting new interns to work onsite at Serenity Ridge. More

Ligmincha’s First Silent Retreat
A Positive Experience for All
Afternoon practice at Winter Retreat had ended a few minutes early, and everyone was lined up in the dining hall patiently awaiting the evening meal. One of the cooks came out of the kitchen to pronounce dinner ready, and she reminded everyone that one of the containers of mashed potatoes was for "vegans only, please." Everyone in the room heard her easily, because no one else was talking. More

Buddhism and the West – Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
New YouTube Video Interview
In this interview with Guido Ferrari, Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche clarifies essential principles of Tibetan Buddhism and Bon and explains his approach to teaching in the West. 25 minutes.
View video

Latest Spanish Translation of VOCL
View December Issue
View Spanish translation of the December 2013 issue of Voice of Clear Light.

See Ligmincha Europe Magazine’s Winter Issue
Also Special Edition Reports on the Inauguration of the Gompa in Poland
The Winter 2013-2014 issue of Ligmincha Europe Magazine is now available. Included in this issue are articles about the historic first meeting of Tibetan Bon lamas who live and teach in the West, and last fall's successful Buddhism and Science Conference, both held at Serenity Ridge Retreat Center.
Ligmincha Europe Magazine also has published a special edition on Consecration of the Gompa in Wilga, Poland, with many wonderful images.

GlideWing Workshop Begins March 8
‘Awakening the Sacred Arts: Discovering Your Creative Potential’
The next GlideWing online workshop with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, “Awakening the Sacred Arts,” will be held March 8–April 6, 2014. Learn and practice from your own home, at your own schedule, with personal guidance. Participants will explore how to recognize and clear physical, energetic and mental obstacles; connect with and trust their innate creative potential; and discover the inner strength and confidence that can allow their creativity to naturally blossom.
Learn more and view introductory video
Upcoming Events
Ligmincha’s Serenity Ridge Retreat Center
The retreats described below will take place at Serenity Ridge, Ligmincha Institute’s retreat center in Nelson County, Va. To register or for more information, click on the links below, or contact us at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or 434-263-6304.
April 11-13, 2014
Spring Retreat—Winds of Change: Discovering the Healing Power of Mind and Prana
with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Learn more and register
May 3-4, 2014
Awakening the Sacred Body
with John Jackson
Registration opens Feb. 18.
Learn more
May 21-25, 2014
Divination in the Bon Buddhist Tradition
with Geshe Nyima Kunchap
Learn more and register
June 22-July 12, 2014
Summer Retreat—The Twenty-One Nails, Part 2
with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
This teaching is among the innermost secret cycles of Tibetan Bon Buddhist dzogchen, directly cutting through doubts about one's natural state by tracing the nature of mind back to its source. Join us for one, two or three weeks! All are welcome.
Learn more and register
Oct. 7-9, 2014
Special Conference—New Dialogs Between Buddhism and Science
with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and Renowned Researchers
Oct. 10-12, 2014
Fall Retreat—The Healing Power of Primordial Awareness
with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Oct. 31-Nov. 2, 2014
Special Retreat—Topic TBA
with H.E. Menri Lopon Trinley Nyima Rinpoche
Dec. 27, 2014-Jan. 1, 2015
Winter Retreat—The Experiential Transmission of Zhang Zhung, Part 1: Ngondro
with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
This is the first in a five-part series—to be held over the next five years—of special Bon Buddhist dzogchen teachings based on the ancient Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyu texts. Part 1: Ngondro is a prerequisite for further study of the Experiential Transmission series. Registration opens March 26.
View all 2014 retreats. To register for any of the above retreats, or for more information about teachings in the Bon Buddhist tradition of Tibet, please contact us at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or 434-263-6304, or visit the Serenity Ridge website or the Ligmincha Institute website.