Voice of Clear Light
Volume 14, Number 1 / February 2014

Letter from the Editors
Winds of Change
Dear Friends,
Greetings! We want to remind everyone of Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche’s recent request for all of us to recite the long-life mantra for H.E. Yongdzin Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche. Please join in reciting and accumulating mantras, and reporting them as listed on the website.
Learn more
The Tibetan New Year begins March 2 – the year of the Horse. Happy Losar everyone! Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche will offer a free live webcast March 2 from 1–2:30 p.m. Eastern (New York) time on "Raising Your Windhorse: Good Fortune for the New Year." Read the article about all of Rinpoche's upcoming webcasts in this issue.
In preparing for the New Year, we work to clear obstacles and resolve issues to make way for growth and new openness needed to face the challenges ahead. In this issue, we offer an excerpt from Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche’s teachings on the power of wisdom wind, the prana of our awareness, the true means for liberating pain. Enjoy this clear, refreshing and helpful teaching!
The focus of Rinpoche’s three-day Spring Retreat at Serenity Ridge is Winds of Change: Discovering the Healing Power of Mind and Prana. See below for all the details. And, announcing that the Summer Retreat registration is open now. Plan ahead for your retreats!
Also featured in this issue: “Nurturing Sacred Community,” an overview of Rinpoche’s latest webcast; a request for summer auction donations for Ligmincha’s June fundraising auction; invitation and schedule for upcoming Taste of The Three Doors seminars; a report on the success of Ligmincha’s end-of-year fundraising campaign and plans for improvement; Ligmincha’s Annual Report for fiscal year 2013; Ligmincha's internship program: looking for new recruits; an article about Ligmincha’s first silent retreat; and links to the latest Spanish translation of VOCL, as well as the winter issue of Ligmincha Europe Magazine.
This issue is chock full of gems – enjoy!
In Bon,
Aline and Jeff Fisher