Upcoming Ligmincha Learning Online Courses
August 20: Three Heart Mantras & October 1: Six Lokas
Beginning August 20: Ligmincha Learning is pleased to present an online course with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche on “The Three Heart Mantras of Bön.” This five-week course runs from August 20–September 24, 2016. The Three Heart Mantras are used in many different meditations in the Tibetan Bön Buddhist tradition and play a major role in the ngondro (preliminary practices). They are said to be the essence of enlightenment in sound and energy, and as we sing or chant the mantras our awareness is transformed to be in union with the Buddhas. They are used for purification, protection and as primary practices toward self-realization.
It is said that creating these mantras in any form brings merit and purification, so they are commonly found carved into stones, printed on prayer flags where they spread their benefits through the winds, and even drawn with gold ink and kept on shrines as an object of reverence and meditation. Their blessings are said to be endless. Also within this course Tenzin Rinpoche explains the essence of the guru yoga, refuge and bodhicitta practices, making this an excellent introduction to the tradition.
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Beginning October 1: Ligmincha Learning is pleased to present an online course with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche on “Transforming Our Emotions Through the Six Lokas.” This five-week course runs from October 1–November 19, 2016.
At one time or another each of us suffer strong emotions that throw us off balance, cause us to act in ways that we later regret and make us lose touch with our true nature. Centuries ago the masters of the Bön lineage developed the meditations of the Six Lokas specifically to remedy this situation, to help us live our lives in a balanced and relaxed way.
The meditations focus on the root causes of our suffering: anger, desire, greed, ignorance, jealousy, pride and laziness. Through each meditation we examine our habitual patterns so that we may recognize them, then invoke the enlightened energy of the Buddhas to purify and transform us so that we and all other beings might not continue to suffer in this way. The practices have a deep healing and transformative power, and are traditionally practiced at length as a preliminary to dzogchen contemplation.
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Ligmincha Learning courses feature:
- Teaching Videos – Receive original teachings by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche created especially for this course.
- Guided Meditation Videos – Led by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche in your own home.
- Meditation Assignments – Experience improvement in your daily life through formal and informal practices designed for each part of the course.
- Online Discussions – Contribute to a global discussion with your classmates facilitated by John Jackson, the director of the Chamma Ling Colorado retreat center and co-leader of The 3 Doors European Academy.
Students work with the online materials according to their own schedules. However, as a general guideline, it is suggested that students make available 1 to 1.5 hours each week to enjoy the teaching and guided practice videos, 30 to 90 minutes each morning during the course to experience the formal meditation practices (don’t worry if you miss a practice but try not to); and between 1 to 2 hours per week for participating in online discussions.