Meet the New 3 Doors Website
Expanding and Clarifying
Check out the new 3 Doors website! The 3 Doors, founded by Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, teaches meditation methods with practical applications to everyday life. The redesigned website includes a new events calendar, a new Academy overview, a growing list of resources and more.
Easily Find Events and Retreats
The new events calendar makes it easy to plan and sign up for your next retreat. Among the new offerings: Senior 3 Doors Teacher Marcy Vaughn is coming to Los Angeles and Minneapolis in July and to Madison, Wisconsin in November to lead short retreats on The Healing Power of the Inner Refuge. The 3 Doors Compassion Project will get under way in the Philadelphia area in September.
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Explore the New Look of Programs
The 3 Doors is expanding its program offerings to reach more people with stillness, silence and spaciousness. The description of the two and one-half year Academy has been clarified to convey the unique benefits of this rigorous training program. This new Academy overview also may be useful in helping participants share a map of their journey with family, friends and colleagues. A new Academy began in Latin America last January. This fall, new Academies are starting in North America and in Europe.
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Stay Tuned - Exciting Developments Ahead
The new look to the 3 Doors website is just the beginning. This year, the Resources page will be growing, with multiple, free guided meditations to refresh and deepen participants’ practice and share with others. The 3 Doors also will be posting select guided meditations on leading meditation apps to help more people find their inner refuge.