New! Free Six-Month Course with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
‘Living with Joy, Dying in Peace’ Starts September 10
Beginning September 10, 2016, Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche will offer a free, six-month Internet course on Living with Joy, Dying in Peace. The course includes everything from free monthly live webcasts to a discussion forum, recorded webcasts, downloadable print materials and MP3 audio recordings.
Register for the first webcast in the series (September 10)
Register separately for six-month course
Access real-time translations in as many as 12 languages
About the Course
The more attached we are to our loved ones, our possessions and our sense of identity, the more we suffer. Realizing this truth frees us to find joy in each simple moment of life, and peace at the moment of death. According to the Tibetan spiritual traditions, living and dying are part of a sacred continuum. Death need not be considered a failure, negative or even a loss; rather, it is a transition toward a new beginning.
In this six-month series of teachings and guided meditations, Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche will help you to:
- Let go of your false identity and discover who you truly are.
- Free yourself from fears and attachments.
- Find more hope and joy in life.
- Understand the dying process as a pathway to wisdom and rebirth.
- Recognize the parallels between dying and falling asleep.
- Find peace with your own death.
- Help others through sickness and death.
The course is open to everyone, from the young and healthy to those who are facing death, and their caregivers. You must register separately for each live webcast event, as well as for the six-month course with its full support materials.
Webcast Schedule
Each live webcast is scheduled for the second Saturday of each month and will take place from 3-4:10 p.m. Eastern Time U.S. (New York time). Within a few days after each live webcast, the recorded webcast will be posted at the Ligmincha Learning course site and the Ligmincha International Internet Teachings page.
The first free webcast in the series, “Releasing Attachments, Finding Freedom and Joy,” will be held Saturday, September 10. Grasping at something you are sure to lose can only lead to pain and suffering. Through this teaching and guided meditation with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, discover the way to a more joyful and vibrant life by realizing the truth of who you really are, understanding that nothing in this life lasts forever, letting go of strong attachments to possessions and loved ones, and relating to each moment with more openness, playfulness and depth of connection.
- September 10, 2016—Releasing Attachments, Finding Freedom and Joy. Register now
- October 8, 2016—Transcending Fear, Finding Hope
- November 12, 2016—Asleep but Not Unconscious: Discovering Awareness in the Sleep State
- December 10, 2016—Sleep and Death as Doorways to Wisdom
- January 14, 2017—Finding Peace with Death
- February 11, 2017—Helping Loved Ones Through Sickness and Death
How to Participate
To take part in the free live webcasts, simply join us from your home computer or other device, or at one of Ligmincha’s participating practice groups or centers worldwide. Each webcast is free and open to all and requires no prerequisite. However, to make the most of this course, students are encouraged to view all six live webcast events of the series, and/or the recordings of those webcasts at the course site, and to put what they learn into practice daily between sessions. A chat screen on the broadcast page enables asking questions. Also see the Webcast FAQ page.
To participate in the full six-month course with its discussion forum and full support materials, register at Ligmincha Learning. For added support, monthly group webcast viewings and regularly scheduled group meditation practices based these teachings, will be available in many locations worldwide. Contact your nearest local center or sangha to inquire about group screenings or guided meditations they may be hosting related to this course. If you are interested in starting an informal group in your area, email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it to indicate your interest and learn more. Guidelines for starting a practice group