Ligmincha Institute Relocates Its Offices to Serenity RidgeWhen the lease at Ligmincha's downtown Charlottesville, Va., meditation center expired earlier this year, Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche chose to move our downtown administrative offices and Tibet Shop to our Serenity Ridge retreat center in Nelson County, Va.
Because our retreats and other events at Serenity Ridge have multiplied over the past few years, making the retreat center the focus of our administrative activities is sensible for a variety of practical and other reasons. This very positive move allows us to concentrate our presence and energy at the retreat center, better accommodate our expanded retreat schedule, and significantly lower our ongoing administrative costs. This consolidation of resources will expand and support Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche's dream for Serenity Ridge as a home for the Bon Buddhist spiritual and cultural traditions in the United States.
Please note our new address and telephone numbers:
Ligmincha Institute
554 Drumheller Lane
Shipman, VA 22971
Office: 434-263-6304
Fax: 434-263-6355
Ligmincha Institute’s Bookstore & Tibet Shop
Telephone: 434-263-6305
Toll-free: 866-522-5269