A Note From the Editors
Welcome to the New Voice of Clear Light!Hello everyone! We hope you enjoy your new Voice of Clear Light, a newly ornamented and beautified version of our old-faithful text email newsletter! With many hours of work and dedication by a team of Ligmincha volunteers, this lovely fruit has manifested and now has arrived in your e-mailbox. We all thank Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche for the inspiration!

Ligmincha Institute has significantly reduced its print mailings, so VOCL is now the primary way to learn about teachings and live Webcasts by Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, retreats with Rinpoche or other Bon Buddhist instructors, and other news and updates. If you have never received VOCL before and you’re wondering why you are now, it’s because you’ve either requested information from Ligmincha, registered on our Web site (Ligmincha.org), subscribed to one of our other email lists, or attended a retreat at our Serenity Ridge retreat center. You may unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link at the bottom of any VOCL email.
To our faithful VOCL followers, we know we’ve trained you all well during these first eight years of publication by requiring you to read through an entire issue of text to find the information you most want. Now you have graduated to easier reading pleasure with delightful photographs and a format that is bound to improve your experience. You can still read or print out the entire issue all at once by clicking on: View Full Issue at the top of the home page.
Thanks to everyone for your support, and special thanks to David, Lee, Mary Ellen, Polly, and Sue!
Jeff and Aline Fisher, Editors