Letter from the Editors
Finding Joy
Dear Friends,
This just in! Ligmincha is happy to announce the next six-month series of free online webcasts with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche set to begin September 10. The topic is “Living with Joy, Dying in Peace.” We hope you can tune in from your computer for this new series. A special thank-you to all of those who have been working tirelessly to bring Rinpoche's webcasts to viewers all around the world, simultaneously translating the teachings into as many as 12 different languages. We hope you are enjoying them as we are! Don't hesitate to explore the archive of past webcasts if you've missed any. Find out more here.
We can all give thanks for the news that His Holiness Lungtok Tenpai Nyima's health is greatly improved. He is even getting to travel home to India from the U.S. for a brief period.
Lots more news to share! Get a glimpse of the groundbreaking ceremony that happened in June at Serenity Ridge, blessings and rituals to set the way for the construction of a new building beginning this fall. You can still help out in making this dream a reality. Find out how to contribute financially. Learn more about our upcoming Fall Retreat at Serenity Ridge on the topic of Chöd, and the meaning of this important practice. Make note that the November retreat on Trul Khor (Tibetan Yoga), Part 1 has been canceled due to the new construction. New dates will be announced later for 2017. And think about contributing your time, skill and energy in a resident program position at Serenity Ridge. We are in need of a few individuals who can be of service during this special time of growth.
You'll also find a brief but important article to let you know about the new Facebook and Twitter pages for Ligmincha International.
The 3 Doors Academy is always up to something new! Check out their new and improved website with some newly listed offerings.
We are happy to share with you inspiring international sangha news in this issue. Sangha member Nicolas Gournaropoulos, in Belgium, writes about his experience and service working with prisoners as part of Ligmincha's Prison Project. Please don't miss the link to the recent Summer Ligmincha Europe Magazine – always full of wonderful articles and a broad scope of news in Europe and worldwide. And our translators are hard at work to bring you Voice of Clear Light in Spanish and Portuguese. You can find the links below. So many connections and ways to grow!
Also learn about upcoming online courses with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. Ligmincha Learning will offer courses on The Three Heart Mantras and The Six Lokas. Upcoming GlideWing workshops will focus on the Sacred Arts and Dream Yoga.
How does Rinpoche do it all? See the article about his teaching schedule for simply the months of August, September and October and you see why we ask that! He will travel and teach around the world, and, as you must already know, he will stay so present and at home wherever he goes. Amazing. We are all so fortunate to have him as our teacher. Thank you, Rinpoche!
In Bon,
Aline and Jeff