Announcements Issue
Volume 16, Number 4 / August 2016

Letter from the Editors
Finding Joy
Dear Friends,
This just in! Ligmincha is happy to announce the next six-month series of free online webcasts with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche set to begin September 10. The topic is “Living with Joy, Dying in Peace.” We hope you can tune in from your computer for this new series. A special thank-you to all of those who have been working tirelessly to bring Rinpoche's webcasts to viewers all around the world, simultaneously translating the teachings into as many as 12 different languages. We hope you are enjoying them as we are! Don't hesitate to explore the archive of past webcasts if you've missed any. Find out more here.
We can all give thanks for the news that His Holiness Lungtok Tenpai Nyima's health is greatly improved. He is even getting to travel home to India from the U.S. for a brief period.
Lots more news to share! Get a glimpse of the groundbreaking ceremony that happened in June at Serenity Ridge, blessings and rituals to set the way for the construction of a new building beginning this fall. You can still help out in making this dream a reality. Find out how to contribute financially. Learn more about our upcoming Fall Retreat at Serenity Ridge on the topic of Chöd, and the meaning of this important practice. Make note that the November retreat on Trul Khor (Tibetan Yoga), Part 1 has been canceled due to the new construction. New dates will be announced later for 2017. And think about contributing your time, skill and energy in a resident program position at Serenity Ridge. We are in need of a few individuals who can be of service during this special time of growth.
You'll also find a brief but important article to let you know about the new Facebook and Twitter pages for Ligmincha International.
The 3 Doors Academy is always up to something new! Check out their new and improved website with some newly listed offerings.
We are happy to share with you inspiring international sangha news in this issue. Sangha member Nicolas Gournaropoulos, in Belgium, writes about his experience and service working with prisoners as part of Ligmincha's Prison Project. Please don't miss the link to the recent Summer Ligmincha Europe Magazine – always full of wonderful articles and a broad scope of news in Europe and worldwide. And our translators are hard at work to bring you Voice of Clear Light in Spanish and Portuguese. You can find the links below. So many connections and ways to grow!
Also learn about upcoming online courses with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. Ligmincha Learning will offer courses on The Three Heart Mantras and The Six Lokas. Upcoming GlideWing workshops will focus on the Sacred Arts and Dream Yoga.
How does Rinpoche do it all? See the article about his teaching schedule for simply the months of August, September and October and you see why we ask that! He will travel and teach around the world, and, as you must already know, he will stay so present and at home wherever he goes. Amazing. We are all so fortunate to have him as our teacher. Thank you, Rinpoche!
In Bon,
Aline and Jeff

New! Free Six-Month Course with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
‘Living with Joy, Dying in Peace’ Starts September 10
Beginning September 10, 2016, Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche will offer a free, six-month Internet course on Living with Joy, Dying in Peace. The course includes everything from free monthly live webcasts to a discussion forum, recorded webcasts, downloadable print materials and MP3 audio recordings.
Register for the first webcast in the series (September 10)
Register separately for six-month course
Access real-time translations in as many as 12 languages
About the Course
The more attached we are to our loved ones, our possessions and our sense of identity, the more we suffer. Realizing this truth frees us to find joy in each simple moment of life, and peace at the moment of death. According to the Tibetan spiritual traditions, living and dying are part of a sacred continuum. Death need not be considered a failure, negative or even a loss; rather, it is a transition toward a new beginning.
In this six-month series of teachings and guided meditations, Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche will help you to:
- Let go of your false identity and discover who you truly are.
- Free yourself from fears and attachments.
- Find more hope and joy in life.
- Understand the dying process as a pathway to wisdom and rebirth.
- Recognize the parallels between dying and falling asleep.
- Find peace with your own death.
- Help others through sickness and death.
The course is open to everyone, from the young and healthy to those who are facing death, and their caregivers. You must register separately for each live webcast event, as well as for the six-month course with its full support materials.
Webcast Schedule
Each live webcast is scheduled for the second Saturday of each month and will take place from 3-4:10 p.m. Eastern Time U.S. (New York time). Within a few days after each live webcast, the recorded webcast will be posted at the Ligmincha Learning course site and the Ligmincha International Internet Teachings page.
The first free webcast in the series, “Releasing Attachments, Finding Freedom and Joy,” will be held Saturday, September 10. Grasping at something you are sure to lose can only lead to pain and suffering. Through this teaching and guided meditation with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, discover the way to a more joyful and vibrant life by realizing the truth of who you really are, understanding that nothing in this life lasts forever, letting go of strong attachments to possessions and loved ones, and relating to each moment with more openness, playfulness and depth of connection.
- September 10, 2016—Releasing Attachments, Finding Freedom and Joy. Register now
- October 8, 2016—Transcending Fear, Finding Hope
- November 12, 2016—Asleep but Not Unconscious: Discovering Awareness in the Sleep State
- December 10, 2016—Sleep and Death as Doorways to Wisdom
- January 14, 2017—Finding Peace with Death
- February 11, 2017—Helping Loved Ones Through Sickness and Death
How to Participate
To take part in the free live webcasts, simply join us from your home computer or other device, or at one of Ligmincha’s participating practice groups or centers worldwide. Each webcast is free and open to all and requires no prerequisite. However, to make the most of this course, students are encouraged to view all six live webcast events of the series, and/or the recordings of those webcasts at the course site, and to put what they learn into practice daily between sessions. A chat screen on the broadcast page enables asking questions. Also see the Webcast FAQ page.
To participate in the full six-month course with its discussion forum and full support materials, register at Ligmincha Learning. For added support, monthly group webcast viewings and regularly scheduled group meditation practices based these teachings, will be available in many locations worldwide. Contact your nearest local center or sangha to inquire about group screenings or guided meditations they may be hosting related to this course. If you are interested in starting an informal group in your area, email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it to indicate your interest and learn more. Guidelines for starting a practice group

Thankful News from Chongtul Rinpoche
His Holiness Lungtok Tenpai Nyima's Health Greatly Improved!
Dear Friends,
On behalf of Bon Shen Ling, I am writing to say how greatly we appreciate your highest and most powerful prayers and thoughts for His Holiness' health – especially the Tse Dup healing practice that many of you have been doing over the past six months.
We are very fortunate to be working with an outstanding team of doctors and caretakers providing the finest care for His Holiness. His health has improved greatly since he arrived six months ago. Because of his progress, his medical team has agreed that he can return to India for a six-week medical leave. In early August, he will return to Menri in India. In late September, he will return to New York to continue his treatments.
Your thoughts and prayers have played a very large part in his healing process, and I personally want to express my immeasurable appreciation and gratitude for your thoughts and prayers for His Holiness. I request that you continue these practices so that his light may forever shine upon us.
Chongtul Rinpoche

Breaking New Ground Atop Serenity Ridge!
Taking the Retreat Center to a New Level
On the morning of June 26, Summer Retreat participants and many invited guests gathered at Serenity Ridge. The purpose was to break ground for the new building to be built between the gompa (meditation hall) and the Lama House. This new building will contain a new kitchen, dining hall capable of seating up to 100 people, practice and meeting rooms, some office space and a fully equipped recording studio.
The days preceding the groundbreaking were full of rain and wind, even into the night before the event. And while many expected rain to delay the ceremony, the clouds and rain passed just in time, and the event went perfectly.
Led by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and supported by Geshe Denma Gyaltsen, our resident lama in Houston, Texas, and Geshe Tenzin Yangton, Serenity Ridge’s own resident lama, the space was cleared of any negative energies. Offerings and prayers were made to Yeshe Walmo, animals, plants and all the other beings living at and around Serenity Ridge.
Many thanks to all who came and supported us in preparing the space for the new building! We expect construction to begin this fall and look forward to welcoming everyone to Summer Retreat at Serenity Ridge in 2017 to celebrate the opening of the building.
View video with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche on his vision for Ligmincha International at Serenity Ridge

Resident Program Positions Available
Be of Service at Serenity Ridge
A limited number of resident program positions are now available at Serenity Ridge Retreat Center, founded by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and headquarters of Ligmincha International. Apply now if you are interested!
The resident program offers individuals a chance to deepen their practice while working 29 hours per week for Serenity Ridge Retreat Center. These positions are in the areas of housekeeping, maintenance, groundskeeping, program support and, on occasion, office support. Applicants are asked to be flexible in their assignments.
If you have additional questions, please contact the This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Introducing the New Ligmincha International Facebook Page!
Social Media Updates for Ligmincha and Serenity Ridge
To better inform you about the worldwide teachings of Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and the Bön Buddhist tradition of Tibet, Ligmincha International has a new Facebook page:
When you “like” this new page, you’ll receive inspiring quotes, webcast notices and early updates regarding worldwide activities, teachings and other news related to Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and Ligmincha International centers and sanghas.
If you are already a follower of the Serenity Ridge Facebook page (formerly Ligmincha International at Serenity Ridge), you will continue to receive the same updates and photographs related to Serenity Ridge, upcoming retreats, and other local or international happenings. You can now find the Serenity Ridge page at:
Also follow us on Twitter!
Ligmincha International on Twitter
New: Serenity Ridge on Twitter

Meet the New 3 Doors Website
Expanding and Clarifying
Check out the new 3 Doors website! The 3 Doors, founded by Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, teaches meditation methods with practical applications to everyday life. The redesigned website includes a new events calendar, a new Academy overview, a growing list of resources and more.
Easily Find Events and Retreats
The new events calendar makes it easy to plan and sign up for your next retreat. Among the new offerings: Senior 3 Doors Teacher Marcy Vaughn is coming to Los Angeles and Minneapolis in July and to Madison, Wisconsin in November to lead short retreats on The Healing Power of the Inner Refuge. The 3 Doors Compassion Project will get under way in the Philadelphia area in September.
Find Events and Retreats
Explore the New Look of Programs
The 3 Doors is expanding its program offerings to reach more people with stillness, silence and spaciousness. The description of the two and one-half year Academy has been clarified to convey the unique benefits of this rigorous training program. This new Academy overview also may be useful in helping participants share a map of their journey with family, friends and colleagues. A new Academy began in Latin America last January. This fall, new Academies are starting in North America and in Europe.
Explore Programs
Stay Tuned - Exciting Developments Ahead
The new look to the 3 Doors website is just the beginning. This year, the Resources page will be growing, with multiple, free guided meditations to refresh and deepen participants’ practice and share with others. The 3 Doors also will be posting select guided meditations on leading meditation apps to help more people find their inner refuge.

Register Now for Fall Retreat at Serenity Ridge
Oct. 12 –16: The Practice of Chöd from the Bon Mother Tantra
Join us October 12–16 for Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche’s annual Fall Retreat at Serenity Ridge. Rinpoche will teach on the topic of “Fear and Attachment: Doorways to Liberation – The Practice of Chöd from the Bon Mother Tantra.”
There is not one person who does not face problems in life. Many of these problems have to do with fear and attachment. Fear and attachment are also the most critical obstacles to realizing your essential nature.
The practice of chöd is a creative and skillful method for dissolving the emotional conflicts and dissatisfaction in your life by cutting through, with compassion, the fear and attachment that obscure your natural state of mind.
Note: A Fall Service Retreat will be held October 17–20. Participants will receive 50 percent off the cost of registration for the Fall Retreat.

Cutting Through One's Fear
On the Meaning of Chöd
Kalsang Ma, Khandro of Chöd
The meaning of chöd as explained in the Glossary of Bön Terms on Ligmincha's International website:
chöd (tib: gchod) Literally: to cut off, to cut through. Also known as the "expedient use of fear" and the "cultivation of generosity." Chöd is a ritual practice meant to remove all attachment to one's own body and ego by compassionately offering all that one is to other beings.
In the foreword to Alejandro Chaoul-Reich's book, Chöd Practice in the Bön Tradition, Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche writes:
The core purpose of chöd is to turn fear into a path to liberation. The practitioner actively seeks out fearful experiences, using fear as an opportunity to visualize cutting apart one's own physical body, symbolizing the cutting of the ego, and thus cultivating wisdom. The practitioner further visualizes transforming the body into an offering that satisfies all beings, thus cultivating generosity and detachment. Through this ancient and profound practice, anyone who is able to recognize their own fear – whether its source is external or internal – can face that fear, challenge it, and overcome it. Ultimately, fear becomes a tool to cultivate enlightened qualities.
Further, Yongdzin Lopon Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche writes in the foreword:
In the Bön tradition, all practices, regardless of whether they pertain to Sutra, Tantra, or Dzogchen, lead one towards the path of liberation. Chöd, however, is a special method with particular characteristics for this. Although Chöd is common to both Tibetan Bön and Buddhist schools, the original basis of this practice in the two traditions is quite different. The Chöd practice according to Buddhist tradition is said to be originally based on the Prajnaparamita while that of Tibetan Bön rests upon Tantric practices. However, in both traditions the Chöd practice is performed in a manner which has more in common with Tantra than Sutra, and in both traditions it is known as a very effective and powerful practice bringing the practitioner a strong experience of profound generosity as well as liberation from self-grasping, the root of Samsara. It is, then, a forceful tool for developing one's practice and as such, makes up one of the Four Generosities of the Bön tradition which are practiced on a daily basis.
Alejandro’s book, Chöd Practice in the Bön Tradition, published by Snow Lion in 2009, is available through Ligmincha's Tibet Shop.
Other works of interest: The Nomadic Sacrifice: The Chöd Pilgrimage Among the Bönpo of Dolpo by Martino Nicoletti. available at Ligmincha's Tibet Shop Melodic Wisdom (Music CD) Chanting by Khenpo Tenpa Yungdrung Rinpoche and the monks of Triten Norbutse Monestary in Kathmandu, Nepal and orchestrated by Sarad Gurung (includes chöd chants). Available through Ligmincha's Tibet Shop.

Sangha and Service
Ligmincha's Prison Project
“If we listen to our hearts and dare with confidence – then wonderful things are possible.” This quote from Nicolas Gounaropoulos of Belgium, student of Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, captures the positive realization he had when working with Ligmincha's Prison Project. This article features an update on some of the service work he is doing in prisons and elsewhere. In a previous interview with Ton Bisscheroux in the 2012 Ligmincha Europe Magazine, Hannah Lloyd in Virginia and Nicolas Gounaropoulos in Belgium discussed their work with Ligmincha's Prison Project, established by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche in 2009. VOCL recently caught up with Nicolas, who offered some news and insights about his recent efforts. (VOCL plans to have an update from Hannah about her work in a subsequent issue.) Read the entire interview in Ligmincha Europe Magazine, Winter 20912.
VOCL: In your previous interview with Ton, we learned about some of the positive effects of the practices with the prisoners you were working with, Nicolas: “We practiced The Nine Breathings of Purification, Tsa Lung, Five Warrior Syllables and resting in the nature of mind. During that time I realized more than ever how Rinpoche's teachings are accessible and totally adequate to modern society in all conditions and places. The inmates entered directly into the practice and were talking with me about the positive effects they experienced.”
Can you tell us what some of the biggest challenges and also biggest rewards have been with this type of service?
Nicolas Gournaropoulos: The biggest challenge for me was entering a jail and starting a group. But I have realized how if we listen to our hearts and dare with confidence, then wonderful things are possible. That was one of the rewards, and another one was to see that the project is not only useful to the inmates, but also has an impact on the guards and on the people from outside, as well. Hearing that these kind of things are possible helps in changing the perception of the people and bringing more openness.
Sometimes I hear people saying, “Why are they doing these teachings in jail? These inmates deserve that?" And I always answer, "If it was your brother or your son who was in this jail, would you be happy that he could benefit from these teachings and practices?"
We have to use our creativity by deepening our connection with refuge. From there, it's an incredible place for transformation. I have so much gratitude for the gift of Rinpoche's teachings and for his views full of compassion. It's so deep and actual.
VOCL: Thank you, that's beautiful, Nicolas. Would you share an experience that you've had which illustrates the positive benefits of the program?
NG: I've heard from the participants that they are able to find more peace. A lot of the prisoners complain of sleep problems, and they said that the practice helped them a lot. They appreciated refuge, breathing and tsa lung, but they have some difficulties with sound practice. I was surprised at first to see how sound made them uncomfortable because for me it's a very powerful practice and there are so many benefits. But I realized that they are very conditioned by the external image and in doing sound practice we need to let go of our masks. This is difficult for them because they always feel they need to keep a kind of vigilance. That is probably a way for them to protect themselves.
VOCL: How has your work in prisons and elsewhere been going since we last heard from you in 2012?
NG: In the last few years, I decided to participate in the first European 3 Doors Academy, and it has changed a lot of things for me. It was one of the most beautiful experiences in my life. I am a graduate now and doing the Presenter path, and that has opened new possibilities in sharing the practice in different ways.
I hold a group every month in a therapeutic center for people who have drug addictions. Some of them have electronic bracelets and are out on prison terms. The therapeutic team from the center is very enthusiastic, and the psychologist participates in every course and is very interested to have feedback on what I observe during the meditation. They asked for a subsidy from the city and they received it. We planned dates for the whole year. After that, we will see if we continue with the meditation program.
I continue, too, to teach meditation to children as a regular course, and hope to start a group in September for people with handicaps but that is also open to everybody, too. The idea is to practice all together.
VOCL: It's wonderful that you are have been able to be of help in some very difficult environments and with people who can really benefit, Nicolas. Were you able to offer the meditation practices to the prison guards, as you had hoped in the previous interview in the Ligmincha Europe magazine?
NG: Unfortunately not, but I continue to hope to do it. The terrorist attacks that took place in March this year in Belgium created a difficult climate, and the time is not favorable for these kinds of projects. At the moment it is very difficult in jail. We have the worst jails in Europe, and the situation is very tense. There is a lot of overpopulation, and the state has to rent places in the jails of other countries like Holland. The guards are on strike for weeks, and they even ask for the police, the army and even the fire department to take their place. That creates very difficult situations for the inmates where their rights are not respected, as though they never even had rights, and they are made to live in inhuman conditions.
VOCL: Is there anything else you'd like to share about the program? Your hopes? The future?
NG: I hope that we will find some ways to support one another. Alone, it's sometimes difficult, but together it can be very powerful.

November Trul Khor Retreat Canceled
Due to New Building Construction at Serenity Ridge
The Trul Khor Training: Tibetan Bon Yoga, Part 1 retreat with Alejandro Chaoul-Reich, previously schedule from November 3–6, 2016, has been canceled due to the new building construction at Serenity Ridge. This retreat will be rescheduled for 2017.
See the Serenity Ridge homepage for upcoming events.

Upcoming Ligmincha Learning Online Courses
August 20: Three Heart Mantras & October 1: Six Lokas
Beginning August 20: Ligmincha Learning is pleased to present an online course with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche on “The Three Heart Mantras of Bön.” This five-week course runs from August 20–September 24, 2016. The Three Heart Mantras are used in many different meditations in the Tibetan Bön Buddhist tradition and play a major role in the ngondro (preliminary practices). They are said to be the essence of enlightenment in sound and energy, and as we sing or chant the mantras our awareness is transformed to be in union with the Buddhas. They are used for purification, protection and as primary practices toward self-realization.
It is said that creating these mantras in any form brings merit and purification, so they are commonly found carved into stones, printed on prayer flags where they spread their benefits through the winds, and even drawn with gold ink and kept on shrines as an object of reverence and meditation. Their blessings are said to be endless. Also within this course Tenzin Rinpoche explains the essence of the guru yoga, refuge and bodhicitta practices, making this an excellent introduction to the tradition.
Learn more/register
Beginning October 1: Ligmincha Learning is pleased to present an online course with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche on “Transforming Our Emotions Through the Six Lokas.” This five-week course runs from October 1–November 19, 2016.
At one time or another each of us suffer strong emotions that throw us off balance, cause us to act in ways that we later regret and make us lose touch with our true nature. Centuries ago the masters of the Bön lineage developed the meditations of the Six Lokas specifically to remedy this situation, to help us live our lives in a balanced and relaxed way.
The meditations focus on the root causes of our suffering: anger, desire, greed, ignorance, jealousy, pride and laziness. Through each meditation we examine our habitual patterns so that we may recognize them, then invoke the enlightened energy of the Buddhas to purify and transform us so that we and all other beings might not continue to suffer in this way. The practices have a deep healing and transformative power, and are traditionally practiced at length as a preliminary to dzogchen contemplation.
Learn more/register
Ligmincha Learning courses feature:
- Teaching Videos – Receive original teachings by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche created especially for this course.
- Guided Meditation Videos – Led by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche in your own home.
- Meditation Assignments – Experience improvement in your daily life through formal and informal practices designed for each part of the course.
- Online Discussions – Contribute to a global discussion with your classmates facilitated by John Jackson, the director of the Chamma Ling Colorado retreat center and co-leader of The 3 Doors European Academy.
Students work with the online materials according to their own schedules. However, as a general guideline, it is suggested that students make available 1 to 1.5 hours each week to enjoy the teaching and guided practice videos, 30 to 90 minutes each morning during the course to experience the formal meditation practices (don’t worry if you miss a practice but try not to); and between 1 to 2 hours per week for participating in online discussions.
Next Glidewing Online Workshops Begin August 6 and September 17
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche Teaches on Sacred Arts and Dream Yoga
Beginning August 6: “Awakening the Sacred Arts – Discovering Your Creative Potential” is the next GlideWing online workshop with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, set for August 6–September 4, 2016. This four-week online workshop is for anyone who seeks to usher a vision into reality, whether through creative problem solving, personal growth or bringing creative artistry to a whole new level. Join us for this opportunity to free yourself from creative obstacles, nurture your capacity for joyful self-expression and make positive changes in your life.
Learn more/register
Beginning September 17: “Tibetan Dream Yoga” will be held from September 17–October 16. In this four-week online workshop, participants will receive detailed instructions in the Bön Buddhist practice of Tibetan Dream Yoga. This ancient practice is powerful tool of awakening – it deepens our awareness both in the dreamlike experience of the day and during our dreams at night. Based on Rinpoche's best-selling book The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep.
Learn more/register
GlideWing Online Workshops Feature:
- Instruction provided by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche via Internet-based video.
- Four weeks of personal guidance and support as you work with the practices.
- No set class times; instructional videos remain available throughout the course.
- Practice in the comfort of your home, on your own schedule.
- Easy-to-use course site.
- All you need is a broadband Internet connection, such as DSL or cable.

Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche's August/September 2016 Schedule
Teaching in Europe and the Far East
Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, founder and spiritual director of Ligmincha International, will be teaching around the world in the next few months. In August and September he travels to Poland, Germany, Hungary, Russia and Colorado (U.S.), and will also be teaching in South Korea and Japan for the first time!
By October 1, Rinpoche will be teaching in Korea, also a first. Then back to the U.S. to teach in Virginia. By the end of October, he'll be heading back to California for retreats in San Jose and Berkeley.
He will offer a free live webcast on September 10, the first in the new six-month series on the topic "Living with Joy, Dying in Peace." Rinpoche also will offer several online teachings. They include Ligmincha Learning online workshops on “The Three Heart Mantras of Bön” beginning August 20 and “Transforming Our Emotions Through the Six Lokas” beginning October 1. He will offer two online GlideWing workshops: “Awakening the Sacred Arts" beginning August 6 and “Tibetan Dream Yoga” beginning September 17.
You can always find Rinpoche's full schedule by date and schedule by location on the Ligmincha International website.

Ligmincha Europe Magazine – Summer 2016
Issue Number 21

Spanish and Portuguese Translations of VOCL
Links to June Issue Now Available

Upcoming Retreats
Serenity Ridge Retreat Center
The retreats listed below will take place at Serenity Ridge Retreat Center, Ligmincha International headquarters located in Nelson County, Virginia. To register or for more information, click on the links below, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or call 434-263-6304.
August 24–27, 2016
August Service Retreat
Share with the sangha and receive a discount off the cost of registration for any upcoming retreat.
Learn more
October 12–16, 2016
Fall Retreat 2016: The Practice of Chöd from the Bon Mother Tantra
with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Learn more/register
October 17–20, 2016
Fall Service Retreat
Share with the sangha and receive a discount off the cost of registration for the Fall Retreat.
Learn more
December 27, 2016–January 1, 2017
The Experiential Transmission of Zhang Zhung, Part 3: The Practice of the Path
with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Prerequisite: Previous completion of Part 2 of the Experiential Transmission of Zhang Zhung series.
Learn more
January 2–3 or January 2–8, 2017
Winter Practice Retreat
with Geshe Tenzin Yangton
Prerequisite: Students who have received Part 3 of the Experiential Transmission teachings or who have registered to attend Part 3 in December 2016 may attend.
Learn more
To register for any of the above retreats, or for more information about teachings in the Bon Buddhist tradition of Tibet, please This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , call 434-202-6211 or visit the Serenity Ridge website.