Big News From Ligmincha

Letter From the Editors

Dear Friends,

This December issue of Voice of Clear Light features some very special announcements and important news items that we don’t want anyone to miss. Some are listed in this letter, some are described in more detail elsewhere in this issue.

First, don’t miss the live webcasts tomorrow and on New Year's Day with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche (see below). Rinpoche’s letter to the sangha in this issue gives some surprising personal news from him and his family. Also in this issue: an update with the latest news from Three Doors Academy; plus announcements about help-wanted positions at Ligmincha Institute, new international Website plans, and a brief film clip not to be missed! Be sure to see the excerpt from Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche’s beautiful new book Tibetan Yogas of Body, Speech and Mind, which heads this issue.

More big news: 2012 marks Ligmincha Institute’s 20th anniversary! A number of very special events are being planned throughout 2012 at Serenity Ridge. Stay tuned for more plans.

Here are some important upcoming events — be sure to mark your calendars:

Lots of news and lots to be thankful for this season. In 2012, Jeff and I will be celebrating 10 years as editors of VOCL! Yay, and thanks to all those who help make VOCL happen, especially Polly Turner, Dave Liden, Sue Davis-Dill, and all the wonderful others whose voices from the heart inspire us, especially our teacher Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche.

In Bon,

Aline and Jeff Fisher