An Internet Retreat
Participants From the Online Workshop With Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche Share Their Experiences
The Internet can provide a potent and intimate medium for personal transformation, based on closing comments from the participants of Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche’s first online workshop on Tibetan Sound Healing. Their feedback appears below.
Over three weeks in January and early February 2010, Tenzin Rinpoche used instructional videos to explain and guide the practice of ancient sound healing techniques; and gave personal guidance via email. The Tibetan Sound Healing workshop will be offered again from Sept. 25 through Oct. 17, 2010; space is limited. To register or for more information, visit www.glidewing.com; or see the video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yt7-oT-_6VU.
Feedback from the first workshop
“Even alone in my room with my MacBook, I felt a great support and many blessings the whole day and during the night too. Thank you for this powerful experience.” — Claude-Lilia, Switzerland
“I’ve taken and given more than a hundred various workshops, Tenzin Rinpoche is the clearest teacher/transmitter I’ve ever encountered. You do not have to have a background in the teaching, nor a familiarity with the Bon tradition, to feel and see results immediately that create meaningful change.” — Jeanie, New York
“I had chosen to see what Tibetan Sound Healing could do to help me with one state of mind that I have had every morning for many years. It is like depression, a very heavy and dark feeling, [along with] suppressed frustration, anger, sadness, and guilt feelings. Already after one week there was a change. It was just not there. A surprise for me. I also found a very nice feeling, a quality within me, that I was not aware I had. To have this result in so little time, no one would believe me. It has to be experienced in order to be believed.” — Madeline, Switzerland
“I found it very helpful to be able to go back and listen to any teaching as many times as desired. It was also so helpful to read the questions and answers. It feels intimate — in the sense that there feels to be a strong connection to the other students and Rinpoche.” — Ellen, Minnesota
“This steady, gradual step-by-step instruction enabled me to integrate these teachings into my daily life in a deep and meaningful way. [Rinpoche’s] ongoing support by keeping us all in his prayers and answering our questions made me feel completely surrounded by loving-kindness throughout this learning process. I am calmer and more positive in the face of negative encounters, and I am deeply grateful for these transformative practices. Thank you, thank you, thank you …” — Kathleen, Massachusetts
“The explanations of each part were excellent and the introduction was clear and helpful even to a long-time practitioner. Rinpoche, I must also thank you again for the energy and compassion you put into your teachings. Even within a long-distance electronic medium I could feel your love and guidance emanating from my screen.” — Jackie, U.S.
“It was an incredible treat (and blessing) to be able to ask Rinpoche questions about the practices and to get his responses. That kind of access alone made the workshop worth the price! The thoughtful questions and comments from the other participants enhanced the experience, and I felt a wonderful connection with everyone during the workshop. I would definitely do another workshop with Rinpoche in this format.” — Cynthia, Colorado
“A great surprise at the potency of an online course. I learned a lot about myself and how I block my own progress. Rinpoche and this course provided guidance to help me bring practical practice into my life instead of living it only on the cushion.” — Karen, San Francisco
“It gives you the chance to have an intensive, supported, personal retreat. I often decide to have personal retreats when I have free time but without support it is difficult to persevere. This way it was natural and effortless to keep on.” — Katalin, Hungary
“A precious gift was given to all of us practitioners. Many, many thanks.” — Miroslava Janskova, Slovakia
To learn more
Rinpoche gives a comprehensive explanation of the Sound Healing practice in his book Tibetan Sound Healing: Seven Guided Practices for Clearing Obstacles, Accessing Positive Qualities, and Uncovering Your Inherent Wisdom, available from Ligmincha Institute’s Bookstore & Tibet Shop.
To register for the upcoming workshop or for more information, visit www.glidewing.com; or see the video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yt7-oT-_6VU.