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The Cycle of Light & Dark, Free Online Course, More

New CyberSangha Offerings Beginning May 29

CyberSangha logo cropped 1Don't miss the next online CyberSangha broadcasts! They are free and open to all - see below. On the same topic, have you visited our new CyberSangha community app? It's a great tool for receiving teachings and support in your practice and helping you stay notified about upcoming events of interest. The app now hosts a new "Community Activities" space where you can coordinate with others in the cyber sangha to bring worthwhile projects into reality and where you can inform the entire community about upcoming events of interest. Learn about this new space and many other wonderful aspects of the app here.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024, 12 noon New York time
The Cycle of Light & Dark: A Scientific & Spiritual Exploration of Sleep, Part 2

How do the light of day and darkness of night impact our experience as human beings, including the quality of our sleep? What is light, from the perspectives of both modern science and ancient Tibetan wisdom? Ed O'Malley, integrative sleep medicine specialist, joins Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche in an in-depth online discussion.

Learn more & view live

Begins Wednesday, May 29, 2024
Free interactive online course, Exploring Inner Refuge in Community
Four consecutive Wednesdays with Phil Tonne, via Zoom; designed to accompany the May and June Full Moon Practices. Class size is limited.
Learn more & register now.

Friday, June 21, 2024, 10 a.m. New York time
24-Hour Full Moon Practice: Finding Refuge Within

You're welcome to join our monthly online gathering at any time during the 24-hour period. In this sacred space we acknowledge personal pain and societal challenges while abiding within the open, clear, warmth of presence - who we truly are. The practice begins with a guided meditation led by Alejandro Chaoul-Reich and continues with 24 hours of silent contemplation alternating with periods of guided meditation. Attendance is free and open to all.

Learn more & register now

We hope to see you online soon!