
Letter from the Editors

Opportunities to Grow

Rinpoche jogging with a few studentsDear Friends,

We all have many opportunities to grow. To recognize them is the key. As Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche teaches, instead of being drained by our pain identity and caught up in our various personalities, we can recognize them, breathe out, and host and accommodate them, opening to our spontaneous awareness and creativity. We can realize they are not me and rest in the truth of who we are. Enjoy this teaching excerpt from the recent retreat in Italy!

We dedicate this issue to Vickie Walter who passed away at the end of May. She was a longtime dzogchen practitioner, student of Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche's, and for many years our colleague here at the Voice of Clear Light. Friends and sangha members who knew Vickie have shared heartfelt words about her, which we present in an article below.

More news and events at Ligmincha:

In Bon,
Aline and Jeff Fisher