Letter from the Editors
Precious Moments
Dear Friends,
We are happy to share a recent teaching by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche that helps us to recognize where our attention and focus can guide us or lead us astray, and how our awareness can bring us home to the precious moment and the truth of who we really are.
There are new details about the upcoming Summer Retreat at Serenity Ridge! Plus we have a previous interview with His Holiness the 34th Menri Trizin, from his last visit to Serenity Ridge in 2019 for you to enjoy; we are so happy he will be back for this summer's retreat. E Ma Ho!
Lots happening this spring and summer with Ligmincha:
- Serenity Ridge Annual Spring Retreat: Heart Drops of Kuntu Zangpo with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche will be held in person and on Zoom April 13-16, 2023.
- Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche's 2023 schedule.
- Registration now open for the Serenity Ridge Summer Retreat June 24-July 1 & July 2-8 on Tummo, Part 3, with honored guest H.H. the 34th Menri Trizin.
- New book translated by Raven Cypress-Wood, Forty-Three Trainings for an Enlightened Mind.
- Upcoming CyberSangha events.
- Consider CyberSangha volunteer opportunities.
- Ligmincha Learning online course with Marcy Vaughan begins April 14.
- Learn about The 3 Doors upcoming programs plus a summary of Rinpoche's two-day retreat last September.
- GlideWing online workshop, Tibetan Dream Yoga, begins April 29.
- Rinpoche's speaks about what compassion means to him in the Student and Teacher article.
- Read the Spanish translation for the February VOCL.
In Bon,
Aline and Jeff Fisher