Photos from Recent Summer Retreats in Europe
With Reflections of the Day in Many Languages!
Everyone loves when Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche travels to their community. It means so much, especially after the long gap of the past few years due to the worldwide pandemic. Here are some photos to enjoy from Rinpoche's recent summer retreats in Europe along with some of his Reflections of the Day. You can find these reflections on Rinpoche's Facebook page, along with their translations. Thank you to all the translators who are posting the translations!
In Buchenau, Germany, Rinpoche taught The Essence of the 21 Nails Practice Retreat, August 8-14, 2022.
Reflection of the Day
You can't have self-realization while clinging to the self. You can't have freedom from suffering while identifying with suffering.
Berlin, August 8, 2022
Rinpoche taught Tummo, Part 2 at Chamma Ling Poland, August 16-21, 2022
Reflection of the Day
Seeing and feeling the light in the present, the darkness of the past vanishes. When you can't see light in the future, it is the shadow of the past that obscures it.
Poland, August 12, 2022
Rinpoche traveled to Italy, visiting old friends at Merigar, the center established by Namkhai Norbu.
Reflection of the Day
The more you respect yourself, the less you will feel a need for respect from others.
Rome Airport, August 29, 2022
In Budapest, Hungary, Rinpoche taught a retreat on the Healing Practice of the 5 Elements, September 2-4, 2022
Reflection of the Day
It's simple, only when you know it's simple.
It's difficult, only when you think it's difficult.
Think less, know more.
Budapest, Hungary, September 6, 2022
Here are a few more of Rinpoche's Reflections of the Day while he was in Europe:
It is only when you acknowledge what you don't know that the door of knowledge opens for you.
Misfortune becomes fortune when you see it as an opportunity to learn and grow.
Aggression is not power. True power comes from a deep connection to one's inner peace.
What you cannot change is not worth worrying about. What you can change is worth changing, not just wanting to change.
Life gives us what we are open to, and takes from us what we are closed to. Most of us are only open to what little we know, not to the great treasure of the unknown.
Don't stop expressing your love and affection for your family, even if you don't hear from them as often as you wish. Your expression is more important than their response.
Rinpoche on Facebook: Some of you may have seen my "reflection of the day" posts. Each day I'm trying to be aware of what is happening around me in my life, my family, and society at large. These experiences are like receiving a teaching. Those that seem particularly important for me or others, I have been essentializing as pith instructions. I try to share them here from a spacious, luminous, warm place in my heart. With each post, I pray: Whoever reads and reflects on these lines, may they benefit from them!