Tibetan A

Letter from the Editors

The Mirror in Dzogchen

water droplet croppedDear Friends,

Pointing to what is beyond understanding of the conceptual mind, symbols and images can inspire us or lead to an Aha moment, and even to a deep recognition of our own true nature. In Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche's newest book, The Seven Mirrors of Dzogchen, based on a profound text on the nature of mind by Bon master Drenpa Namkha, the mirror signifies much more than a looking glass; rather, it is a powerful symbol pointing us toward who we truly are! In this issue we include an excerpt from the first chapter titled The Heart Mirror of the View, in which Rinpoche describes the way of viewing our world through the lens of openness and clarity, accepting and accommodating all, just as a mirror does.

In a related excerpt from the winter retreat in 2021, Rinpoche addresses a student's question in the Student and Teacher article about stability in practice and how we all can expand our ability to accommodate the challenges we face, as we integrate practice with life.

Summer retreat at Serenity Ridge starts soon! A picture says a thousand words, so watch the video montage of images from Serenity Ridge as it captures the beauty and sacred space of Ligmincha's mountaintop home in Virginia. Join Rinpoche this summer!

Also in this issue:

In Bon,
Aline and Jeff Fisher