3 Doors Weekend Retreat with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and Other Programs
Lhundrup, the spontaneously perfected enlightened qualities and their effortless expression (by Tenzin Wangyal)This summer and fall, The 3 Doors is offering a number of programs open to everyone where participants will be guided to deepen their experience of inner refuge, explore what arises within the support of community, and more fully integrate meditation into daily life for the benefit of self and others.
Within each one of us is a heart of compassion, our natural response in the presence of suffering. But often we are overwhelmed, saddened or burdened by the suffering we perceive in the world around us, and we may shut down or turn away. If we acknowledge how the pain of others touches us and are supported to open in the presence of our pain, from the openness itself we touch the source within, a source of compassion, and can respond to others in a beneficial way. The upcoming 3 Doors courses listed below can help.
Beginning in August
Discovering Refuge Within: An Eight-Week Meditation Journey
This program will offer the opportunity to deepen one's experience of the foundational 3 Doors practices of stillness, silence, spaciousness and abiding in inner refuge with the fresh voice of a new 3 Doors teacher each term. Teachers from around the world will lead these programs in native languages. Both experienced practitioners and those new to meditation will find support in this course to integrate the benefits of meditation into everyday life.
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September 10-11, 2022
Opening Your Heart to the World: A Weekend Retreat with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
The 3 Doors warmly invites everyone to join Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and 3 Doors senior teachers for a weekend retreat on Zoom. Participants will be guided to connect with the inner refuge of an open heart of wisdom and compassion, and to dedicate their practice to the benefit of others. Tenzin Rinpoche will offer teachings, and 3 Doors senior teachers Marcy Vaughn, Gabriel Rocco, Alejandro Chaoul and Raven Lee will guide the practices.
This retreat provides a unique opportunity to experience the 3 Doors practices as presented by the founder of the organization himself. In addition, opportunities will be provided for participants to deepen and reflect on their experiences through sharing and discussion in small groups. Translation will be available in Spanish and German. Check the webpage for updates about translations into additional languages.
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October 19, 2022-June 7, 2023
Compassion Project
In its seventh year, the Compassion Project serves anyone who wants to expand their capacity for caring for self and others. Over the course of nine months, senior teachers Marcy Vaughn and Gabriel Rocco, together with 3 Doors teachers in Latin America and Europe, will guide participants to use practices of body, speech and mind to support personal transformation. Participants will learn to apply these practices to reduce stress and meet challenges with renewed energy; bring self-compassion to feelings of overwhelm and burnout; and connect with oneself and others from a place of presence and compassion.
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For a full list of programs, visit The 3 Doors homepage.