rainbow 1

Letter from the Editors

The Sky Is the Limit

Best SkyDear Friends,

This VOCL is coming to you a bit early this month because of several of our team member's schedules, and we really couldn't do it without them! With less time and lots on our plates, I asked Jeff, the one who finds all of the beautiful excerpts of Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche's teachings, about the topic of this issue's teaching, and he responded, "Anything is possible!" I thought he meant that he was still culling the audio files of Rinpoche and hadn't chosen an excerpt yet. BUT instead, he was actually summarizing in just a few words the theme of Rinpoche's teaching for this issue: anything is possible! You are going to love this one. May it inspire you to surprise yourself in going beyond your habitual limitations and imagined boundaries!

Lots more to share in this issue:

In Bon,
Aline and Jeff Fisher