CyberSangha Website Features Rinpoche's New Poem, Video
Free Online Program Continues: 'A Year of Body, Speech and Mind'
The dzogchen poem “I Am No One," written by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche ("Ababa") during personal retreat, speaks of letting go of one's imagined identity and connecting to the limitless potential of one's true nature. You can watch a recently released video with Tenzin Wangyal reciting the poem, videography by Valerio Lupini and music by Raman Maharjan. The text of the poem has been translated from Tibetan into 13 languages and can be viewed below. Thank you to all who helped make this video and to all the translators for their work in making the translations available.
Read the text of Rinpoche's poem I Am No One in: English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano | 한국어 (Korean) | Magyar | Nederlands | Polski | Português | Russki | Slovák | Türk
“A Year of Body, Speech and Mind,” Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche's yearlong online program, continues to explore the three doors of body, speech and mind with live teachings and guided meditations, science/spirituality dialogs and mantra recitation sessions. Every offering is free and open to all. Whether you are a longtime meditation practitioner or a novice, you are welcome to attend any or all live broadcasts throughout the year.
Join us on Tuesday, June 1, 11 a.m. New York time for a Science & Spirituality Dialog: "The Breath of Life: Health Benefits of Breath Control in Yoga & Meditation" (part of the Month of Speech).
Learn more and view live
UPCOMING: The Month of the Mind: June 23–July 21
Wednesday, June 23, 11 a.m. New York time: "Beyond Pain Mind: How to Know It, How to Heal It,” a teaching and guided meditation with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche.
More information to come.
Thursday, June 24, 10 a.m. New York time: 24-Hour Full Moon Practice, “Finding Peace Through Spaciousness of the Mind”
Learn more and register
Wednesday, July 14, 11 a.m. New York time: Science & Spirituality Dialog, topic to be announced
The team of CyberSangha volunteers is looking for someone who can help us coordinate our ongoing search for more volunteers! Volunteering with CyberSangha is an amazing way to stay in regular touch with other members of our team while doing something for the greater good.
The new volunteer coordinator will work closely with CyberSangha team members to determine their needs; screen prospective volunteers regarding their skills, experience and interests; suggest an ideal fit to existing needs; and maintain a file or database of volunteers and their contact information.
Can you answer "yes" to all of these questions?
• Are you a longtime, devoted student of Rinpoche’s teachings and/or a committed member of the CyberSangha, who would love to support the CyberSangha team in helping others?
• Do you have strong communication skills and are well organized, responsible and good with people?
• Do you have a good instinct for people's strengths, interests and dispositions and for matching a prospective volunteer to a position they will be most comfortable and effective in filling?
• Do you have the commitment, time and flexibility to respond quickly and effectively to immediate needs?
• Do you enjoy creating enthusiasm, building community and helping people get to know each other?
If this description sounds like you,
let us know !