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Ligmincha Learning Goes Mobile!

A Major Upgrade to Ligmincha Learning Online Courses

working on phoneLigmincha Learning—which offers a range of online courses featuring videos, guided meditations and more—has now gone fully mobile! Previously, the Ligmincha Learning courses were all best viewed on a laptop or a desktop. Logging in with a mobile device, accessing the videos and participating in the message boards was difficult. That has changed now. 

Many of you have taken courses on our site, If you haven’t, please take a look. Ligmincha Learning offers many courses with teachings by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, as well as courses by Geshe Denma Gyaltsen, Marcy Vaughn and Alejandro Chaoul-Reich. Recent and upcoming topics include sleep yoga, tsa lung, the five elements, Sherap Chamma and the three heart mantras. Several free courses also are available. (See the next article below.)

To get started, you can download the free Moodle app from your mobile device. For iPhones, download the Moodle app from the App Store; for all Android-based devices, download the app from Google Play.

Once you have downloaded the free app and open it for the first time, just direct it to You will be asked to log in to your account (free to set up). If you don’t already have a free account, just use your web browser to go to our site and set one up. All it takes is a name and email address. Once done, you will have access to all your active courses on your phone or tablet. You can read the print materials, watch the videos or listen to the audio files, and engage in the discussion groups.

Check out the next article about two upcoming courses.
Learn more about Ligmincha Learning courses