Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche’s Worldwide Teaching Schedule
February Through April 2020
Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche’s 2020 Schedule by Date is available on the Ligmincha website, with location, teaching topic and contact information. Rinpoche's schedule also is available as individual Events boxes on the website – the ones with photos have complete information; information about others is still to come.
You can also find Rinpoche’s schedule of online events, including his live Facebook broadcasts, at Rinpoche’s new CyberSangha website and at Ligmincha Learning and GlideWing.
Here is a listing of Rinpoche’s teachings over the next three months.
- February 15–March 8, 2020: Online course through GlideWing: The Truth That Sets You Free
- February 28–March 1, 2020: Berkeley, California: The Body of Light: Transformation Through Space, Light and Energy, Part 3. Email
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- March 3–8, 2020: Mexico: The Twenty-One Nails. Visit: Ligmincha Mexico
- March 7–December 31, 2020: Online course through Ligmincha Learning: Ngöndro: The Foundational Practices
- March 28–April 19, 2020: Online course through GlideWing: Tibetan Meditation
- April 2–5, 2020: Spring Retreat at Serenity Ridge, Shipman, VA: Discovering the Melody of Silence
- April 5–7, 2020: Serenity Ridge, Shipman, VA: Serenity Ridge Dialogues: Body, Breath & Mind
- April 17–19, 2020: Berlin, Germany: The Seven Mirrors, Part 4
- April 24–26, 2020: Vienna, Austria: The Five Wisdoms