Letter from the Editors
Bringing Lightness to Life
Dear Friends,
This issue features two teachings by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche from his online retreat on the “Body of Light” hosted by Ligmincha Poland this summer. Both point us back to what is important—living life fully in the present and bringing more lightness to our view, our energy, and our actions.
Ligmincha is very happy to announce details about the NEW five-year Dzogchen Experiential Transmission of Zhang Zhung series. It begins with the upcoming online winter retreat: “Part 1: Ngöndro,” starting December 27 on Zoom. The ngöndro teaching is a prerequisite for the next in the series, typically offered during winter retreats at Serenity Ridge. See all the details below and register soon!
How can we support Ligmincha International to continue serving the global community during these difficult times? Please read Rob Patzig's heartfelt letter for inspiration. Let's share our gratefulness however we can for this incredibly precious path of the Bön, and for all our teachers, and all that Ligmincha brings us. Emaho!
More announcements to share from Ligmincha International:
In Bön,
Aline and Jeff Fisher