sky iconLetter from the Editors

Adapting in Unusual Times

tree adapt

Dear Friends,

These are unusual times for all of us, and while the pandemic continues to affect the world, we are learning to adapt in new ways. From social distancing and quarantining at home, to attending online teachings and meetings, to simplifying our lives, to expressing our grief and our care and compassion for others, we are all learning how to live more in the present moment as we face these undeniable lessons of impermanence and change.

Since in-person retreats and gatherings are still not possible, Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche is coming to us more and more – through Zoom retreats and offerings, through his Facebook Live webcasts, also available on, through his online courses, through his poetry and photographs and videos, through music and mantra, through conversations, through worldwide practice days and through new Instagram posts – all with the help of lots of volunteers! So very fortunate to have such a modern lama. (Find the upcoming happenings below!)

The attendance at the recent online summer retreat showed people's great need for connection and support, with more than 600 people attending from around the world. There were live translations going on in multiple languages. The daily offerings of teachings, Tibetan yoga and meditation practices manifested magically on all of our screens over the course of two weeks, and they did so due to so many people's joyful efforts. This extraordinary opportunity to all be together sharing the space of a beautiful sacred cyber-gompa, where we could all receive teachings and strengthen our practices, arose as Rinpoche's heart response to the Covid-19 global crisis.

Our excerpt is from Rinpoche's oral teachings during this first-ever online summer retreat. His message was so relevant to the times: our being fully in the world is the greatest gift that we can give, and it arises naturally from resting in the space of who we truly are. What great news! Enjoy.

There are many announcements to share from Ligmincha International:

In Bön,
Aline and Jeff Fisher