Letter from the Editors
New Bön Stupa Consecrated at Serenity Ridge
Dear Friends,
We are so happy to share more about the recently completed stupa, or chorten, at Serenity Ridge, the first Bön stupa in the United States and Ligmincha's fifth stupa worldwide. The consecration of this beautiful stupa was performed during this past summer retreat by His Holiness the 34th Menri Trizin, Lungtok Dawa Dhargyal Rinpoche, while he was visiting and teaching here with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. The creation of this landmark Bön stupa was sponsored by sangha member Vicki Wheaton, and it is dedicated to both her late husband, Bönpo Thashu Lama, and to her mother, who passed away in 2017. Thank you so much Vicki! Enjoy all of the pictures and learn more about the symbolism of the stupa and all the elements that go into it. Of course, best of all, please come visit Serenity Ridge if you haven't already, and see the stupa firsthand – it’s located right beside the entrance to Serenity Ridge overlooking a gorgeous view of the valley and mountains. Thank you so much to all who made it happen!
The teaching excerpt for this issue is from the oral teachings given by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche in 2000 on the topic of how we approach death and how we can help those who are dying. Rinpoche will be giving teachings on “Guidance for Living and Dying; Commentary on the Bardo” at the upcoming Fall Retreat at Serenity Ridge. We also feature a student question on this topic in the column: Student Teacher – Together on the Path.
We have many announcements and happenings to report at Ligmincha International:
- Ligmincha’s online store is now open. Don't miss the two newest books published by Sacred Sky Press: Living Wisdom, featuring excerpts of dzogchen teachings from His Holiness Lungtok Tenpai Nyima Rinpoche; and Journey into Darkness, the spiritual journey of the Buddha Tonpa Shenrap’s daughter Shenza Nechung, translated by Sangmo Yangri, Ph.D.
- Rob Patzig shares how we can help with the stupa project in Mexico.
- We also share photos of Kunzang Khang and a few sangha memories in remembrance of Grover Overstreet, who was the project manager on the construction of Serenity Ridge’s new multipurpose building.
- See the latest dates and locations for Rinpoche's worldwide teaching schedule through December.
- Four upcoming retreats at Serenity Ridge: the annual Fall Retreat October 22–27 on “Guidance for Living and Dying: Commentary on the Bardo Teachings"; two trul khor (Tibetan yoga) retreats; a special dzogchen retreat with H.E. Menri Ponlop Trinley Nyima Rinpoche and the Winter Retreat December 26–January 1, 2020: “Dzogchen Practice Retreat: Turning Inward.”
- Two Ligmincha Learning online courses begin in October: “The Five Elements" and “Tibetan Language Bön Prayers: The Invocation of Tapihritsa."
- GlideWing's next online course with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, “Tibetan Dream Yoga," Starts November 16.
- The 3 Doors announces a new online course: “The Healing Power of Silence" with Gabriel Rocco.
- Student and Teacher – Together on the Path, a regular feature of VOCL.
- The link to the latest Ligmincha Europe Magazine. It includes a full year of articles and pictures featured between Summer 2018 and Summer 2019.
- View the Spanish translation of the August VOCL.
In Bön,
Aline and Jeff Fisher