Letter from the Editors
Manifesting Around the World
Boudhanath stupa in Kathmandu, NepalDear Friends,
From Nepal to Italy to Poland to Brazil to Virginia to Mexico to so many places around the world, Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche comes to us in person and via the Internet, through his live broadcasts and teachings and through the many photographs, stories and posts that he shares. Fortunately for all of us, even when we are not able to be on retreat with him in person, we can view the latest webcast and reconnect. Thanks to the efforts of many student volunteers, we can hear his words in our own languages. And now through his recently launched new website, CyberSangha.net, we can find all of this so easily!
It is from one of Rinpoche's webcasts, given in Kathmandu, Nepal, in 2018, that we've selected the teaching excerpt included in this issue: “Release Into the Dance of Stillness.” Rinpoche is dedicated to his students, to sharing his life and travels, to teaching and helping and connecting to so many people through a refreshing creativity that manifests as the dance of stillness! Enjoy!
We have many announcements and happenings to report at Ligmincha International:
- A Mandala Offering ceremony (Thenshug) will be held for the long life of His Eminence Yongdzin Lopon Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche, the most senior teacher and lineage holder of the Bön tradition, at the end of January 2020. See all the details below.
- Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and the Ligmincha Board of Directors share information about Rinpoche’s plans for the year 2021.
- The 2020 dates and locations for Rinpoche's worldwide teaching schedule are now available on Ligmincha's website.
- Visit the CyberSangha website and mark your calendar for the upcoming Facebook Live Broadcasts.
- Lishu Institute is offering two residential retreats this winter, the first one beginning January 20 on Phowa and Bardo teachings. Find out more in the article below and enjoy photos from the recent European tour of Lishu teachers Dr. Sangmo Yangri and Geshe Sherab Lodoe.
- There are two upcoming February retreats at Serenity Ridge: February 1–2, 2020: “The Red Garuda: Powerful Wings of The Heart” with John Jackson and February 21–23: “Sherap Chamma: Mother of Wisdom and Love” with Marcy Vaughn.
- Read an article featured in Tricycle magazine: Blue Ridge Serenity by Joan Duncan Oliver, a brief history of Serenity Ridge Retreat Center over the past 20 years.
- The next Ligmincha Learning online course is January 4–February 22, 2020 on “Transforming Our Emotions Through the Six Lokas."
- GlideWing's next online course with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, "Awakening the Sacred Body," will be held January 4–26, 2020.
- Student and Teacher – Together on the Path is a regular feature of VOCL. Rinpoche answers a student's dzogchen question on integrating thought with the nature of mind.
- The 3 Doors announces an online course on “Igniting the Fire of Creativity" with Marcy Vaughn beginning in January.
- View the Spanish translation of the October VOCL.
In Bön,
Aline and Jeff Fisher