Letter from the Editors
Thankful That the Future of Bön is in Good Hands!
Dear Friends,
What a gorgeous summer! At the many Ligmincha centers around the world, students of Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche had a chance to meet and be with the enthroned head of the Bön lineage – His Holiness Lungtok Dawa Dhargyal Rinpoche, the 34th Menri Trizin. This was a beautiful first for him and for so, so many Bön students throughout Europe, the U.S. and Mexico. So many.
We had the great good fortune of being able to see and hear His Holiness as he taught on the Three Heart Mantras of Bön each morning at the summer retreat at Serenity Ridge. With six Bön lamas and geshes in attendance and Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche translating to a completely full gompa, the preciousness of this amazing connection to the ancient yet timeless wisdom was felt by all. We are happy to share a student question that was offered during the first week of these teachings in the feature below.
What's more, although His Holiness had a very full schedule every day during the retreat, he did not hesitate to honor our request to make time for us to visit one evening and interview him for this issue of The Voice of Clear Light. Another first! You'll see that his kindness and open-hearted patience shined through the whole time we were with him. Even though he has traveled for months, teaching and seeing new people and places daily, not knowing the languages or cultures, His Holiness was full of energy, joyful and naturally generous as he has been toward so many people across the world. So many.
Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche translates for His Holiness during a teaching. Photo by Brian Harris.We have many fantastic photos to share with you. Thank you all for your great photographs and for your keen eyes! As you can see from all of the pictures that we've gathered from across the world, this has been and continues to be a bright and joyful summer for so many. So many.
Being with His Holiness this summer was . . . well, in the last hours before publication of this issue, we wanted to ask some sangha brothers and sisters to share in a sentence or two, if they would, what first comes to mind regarding their own experience of being with His Holiness. Look for the sangha sharing tribute below. Thank you for all of your voices. So many.
More of the latest news and happenings to report at Ligmincha International:
In Bön,
Aline and Jeff Fisher