
Longevity Practice of Lama Tsewang Rigdzin

Upcoming Teachings in Pasedena, California and at Chamma Ling Colorado

tsewang rigdzinTwo upcoming teachings, in Pasadena, California and at Chamma Ling Colorado, will focus on the longevity teachings of Tsewang Rigdzin (Rikdzin).

Join Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche on April 6-7, 2019 in Pasadena, California, near Los Angeles for teachings on “The Knowledge and Wisdom of Longevity: Teachings from the Tsewang Jarima.” In this special two-day retreat, Rinpoche will for the first time in California offer teachings from the Tsewang Jarima, a text by Tsewang Rigdzin, known as the “King of Longevity” and also a dzogchen lineage master.
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Join Geshe Denma Gyaltsen on April 25–29, 2019 at Chamma Ling Retreat Center near Crestone, Colorado for a retreat on “Longevity Practice of Lama Tsewang Rikdzin,” the first in a series of three retreats on Soul and Life Force Retrieval that will be taught over the next year. This ritual, although complete in itself, is part of a group of of practices that is called Soul and Life Force Retrieval that will be taught in three consecutive retreats. 

Lama Tsewang Rikdzin was the son of the great Bön sage Drenpa Namkha. Literally, tsewang translates as power of life or power of longevity. Geshe Denma Gyaltsen will teach from the ancient text of the Tsewang Jarima.

Geshe Denma Gyaltsen is the resident lama of Ligmincha Texas, resides in Houston, and has taught at centers throughout the United States and Europe. Born in northern Nepal, he began his studies at Menri Monastery in 1981, receiving all the teachings, initiations and transmissions in sutra, tantra and dzogchen, and was awarded the geshe degree in 1996.

Retreats in the Soul Retrieval series:

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Learn more about Chamma Ling Colorado

Indestructible: The Longevity Practice of Lama Tséwang Rikdzin, is a beautifully translated and annotated book by Raven Cypress Wood, published by Ligmincha's Sacred Sky Press. Known as the “King of Longevity,” eighth century Tibetan master Tséwang Rikdzin composed many ritual texts aimed at alleviating suffering and was a dzogchen master.
Sacred Sky website