Letter from the Editors
The Magic of the Moment
Dear Friends,
Happy springtime! A beautiful season marked by an abundance of fresh, new life emerging so naturally and effortlessly from the still and resting ground of winter. Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche reminds us in this wonderful teaching excerpt to let go of so much of our effort, release our striving and judging, and allow ourselves simply to rest here and now in the clear, bright awareness of what is. To be in the moment is a chance to be home again in all that arises, naturally and effortlessly. How lovely! And how thankful we can be, too, to know that even when we are not in that space, it is available and possible in every new moment. We hope you enjoy this teaching, this breath of fresh air!
And please take note of all the news and happenings at Ligmincha International:
- Read Rob Patzig's thoughtful letter on conduct in the Ligmincha community.
- In an interview with Menri Shedrup Khenpo Geshe Nyima Dhondup Rinpoche, the head of the Bön Dialectic School at Menri Monastery, we get a glimpse of the strength and wisdom of the Bön lineage.
- June is just around the corner for His Holiness the 34th Menri Trizin's first visit to Europe and North America. Have you registered to attend any of his teachings? See details below.
- Check out the five different locations and dates to attend the special Sa Le Ö Musical Healing and Meditation concerts that will benefit children in need in Nepal and India.
- We welcome Ellen Coleman as Ligmincha's new chief financial officer. E Ma Ho!
- See the latest dates and locations in Rinpoche's worldwide teaching schedule through June.
- There is still time to register for the Spring Retreat at Serenity Ridge April 11–14 on “The Five Elements: Connecting With the Living Universe," followed by a special “Ligmincha Symposium for Contemplative Sciences: Body, Breath and Mind" April 14–16.
- Mark your calendar for the April Facebook LIVE Broadcasts!
- GlideWing's next online course starts soon: “The Nature of Mind – Achieving Great Bliss Through Pure Awareness" begins March 30.
- Also starting soon through Ligmincha Learning: “Ngondro: The Foundational Practices" beginning March 30 and “Transforming Our Emotions Through the Six Lokas" beginning May 11.
- Read an interview with 3 Doors senior teacher Laura Sherkerjian on the door of body.
- Learn about upcoming teachings on the “Longevity Practice of Lama Tsewang Rigdzin" in Pasadena, California with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and at Chamma Ling Colorado with Geshe Denma Gyaltsen.
- Student and Teacher – Together on the Path is a regular feature in VOCL. In this issue, Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche responds to a student's sharing about the power of blessings.
- You can find the link for the Spanish translation of the February VOCL.
Warm wishes,
Aline and Jeff Fisher