A Poem by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Honoring the Life of Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
Namkhai Norbu RinpocheTenzin Wangyal Rinpoche says: I send my deepest condolences to the Namkhai family upon the passing from earthly existence of Chögyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche. I have always considered Rinpoche as my teacher and guide and as a source of personal inspiration and support, and have continually held him with devotion in the purest place of my heart.
Some days ago I composed a poem for Rinpoche and asked the Ligmincha sanghas to join me in praying for his long life. A revised version is attached here, which will be translated into other languages. I invite you all to join in this prayer with me.
Prayer to the Dharmaraja
Unwavering Dharma King, from the unchanging space of your knowledge and realizations beyond limit, in the expanse of the sky (Namkhai),
Your enlightened activities are the constant shining Jewel (Norbu)
Banishing darkness for all times, O Precious One (Rinpoche).
You are the medicine which eliminates disease and obstructions,
You are the friend who clears away obstacles to freedom.
You are wisdom’s light, removing the darkness of ignorance.
Please hold us in your enlightened state of wisdom, love, and compassion.
You are the powerful father who frees us from negative circumstances,
You are the kind mother who nourishes our body and life force.
You are the Dharma brother who supports and increases our insights and realizations.
Please hold us in your Enlightened State of wisdom, love, and compassion.
In the unblemished garden of our heart center,
This white flower of genuine devotion
Is sustained by the water of great love; this I offer to you,
Please hold us in your enlightened state of wisdom, love, and compassion.
In the space and expanse of unwavering primal purity
The spontaneous presence of continuous wisdom increases
And there you spread the message of clear light Dzogpa Chenpo,
Please hold us in your enlightened state of wisdom, love, and compassion.
In these end times, the Enlightened Body, Speech, and Mind of the Dzogchen Yogi Dharmaraja Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche has fulfilled his Dharma Activities, and now that we have heard that his Sublime Form has entered into the Dimension of Peace, the fourth line of each shloka I have now changed to, “Please hold us in your enlightened state of wisdom, love, and compassion.” I, Tenzin Wangyal, humbly composed this sincere prayer in New Delhi, India on September 28, 2018.
(translated by Steven Goodman)