'Powa: The Transference of Consciousness': October 16–21
There is still time to register for the October 16–21 Fall Retreat with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche on "Powa: The Transference of Consciousness." The powa teachings, from the Bön Mother Tantra, or Ma Gyü, are known to be particularly detailed, powerful, and in-depth.
Double rainbow over Kunzang Khang. Photo by Maria QuintanaFor a dedicated practitioner on the spiritual path, nearly any moment of transition provides a potent opportunity for positive transformation, and never more so than at the moment of death. Join us this fall to engage in the powa practice of the Bön tradition of Tibet, which prepares one to transfer one's consciousness directly into a pure realm at the time of death.
In these teachings, students learn how to accept death as a natural and expected process; how to adopt the right attitude in preparation for death; and how to perform the powa practice at the time of death. The powa training prepares the practitioner to transfer consciousness through the crown of the head at the time of death. This transfer of consciousness increases one’s chances for liberation in a single lifetime.
Both beginners and those experienced in meditation are warmly welcomed.