Four New Facebook Live Broadcasts SetHung

Next Broadcast is October 3

tenzin wangyal 2 webGeshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche will offer four new live Facebook broadcasts in October through December. You can view upcoming teachings on Rinpoche’s Facebook page.

These teachings are part of Rinpoche’s ongoing series of Pith Instructions. Real-time translation is available in multiple languages. 

TWR Facebook teachings have been set for the following dates:

You can view past broadcasts in the 2018 Video Archives on the Ligmincha Learning website.

Learn more
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A recording of the September 6 Facebook discussion hosted by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche with esteemed teachers from six spiritual traditions of Tibet on the profound teachings of the Five Wisdoms, each according to their own tradition’s unique perspective, is available. The September 6 conversation took place in Tibetan, with simultaneous translation provided in English. For the best experience in English, view the video recording on your computer with the sound turned down, while listening to the audio translation on a separate tab. 

View video recording
Listen to audio translation
More information about conversation and presenters