The 3 Doors Opens New Programs Online and In Person
North American Academy, 5 Wisdom Breath Energies and Walking the Healing Path
The 3 Doors senior teachers (from left) Raven Lee, Alejandro Chaoul, Laura Shekerjian, Gabriel Rocco and Marcy Vaughn
The 3 Doors is pleased to announce several new programs for English and Spanish speakers. The online programs are easy to access – you just need an Internet connection to join the video conference sessions. Class sizes are small to allow personal attention and sharing of experiences.
Check out The 3 Doors on Insight Timer. The collection of free guided meditation practices now includes more offerings led in Spanish.
Next North American Academy in October
Led by senior 3 Doors teachers Marcy Vaughn and Gabriel Rocco, the next North American Academy begins in October 2018. This two and one-half-year program includes six group retreats held at the Serenity Ridge retreat center in Virginia, 63 life transformations, regular daily meditation practice and individual mentorship. Experience how The 3 Doors teachings and the warmth of the practitioner community can support your natural inclination to serve the welfare of others.
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5 Wisdom Breath Energies – New Online Program in Spanish with English Translation in August
Led by senior 3 Doors teacher Alejandro Chaoul, Ph.D., this four-week online meditation program is designed to wake up your subtle body through breath, simple visualizations and Tibetan yoga movements. Through breath and gentle movements, explore how our channels and chakras support us in connecting to the spaciousness and healing warmth of inner refuge. English translation is available and will be heard only by those who choose this option.
Learn more and register
Walking The Healing Path – New Online Program in September
Led by senior 3 Doors teacher Raven Lee, Ph.D., this three-month online meditation course is designed to support those called to a subtle energy healing path. Throughout the program, you will be supported to connect with the ground of your essential nature – open, aware, dynamically present – which provides a safe container for your own emotional and spiritual development as you engage in your healing work with others.
Learn more and register
Additionally, join a Walking the Healing Path summer retreat on June 16–19 at the Pauenhof Retreat Center, Sonsbeck, Germany.
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Joy of Embodied Presence –New Online Session in October
Led by senior teacher Laura Shekerjian in English and simultaneously translated into Spanish, a new four-week Joy of Embodied Presence focused on the breath begins in October.
For more information about The 3 Doors, founded by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, please visit the website. Stay connected by signing up for the occasional e-newsletter.