TWR LIVE: Next Pith Instructions Teachings on June 7
Subscribe to New Email Service to Stay InformedTWR LIVE is an innovative way to connect with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, the ancient Tibetan teachings and fellow students around the world through regular live broadcasts that can be easily viewed on Rinpoche’s Facebook page.
All broadcasts are free and open to all – you don’t need a Facebook account to view them. And now there is a new email service to help you stay informed about upcoming TWR LIVE teachings and events.
View next live broadcasts on June 7, 2018, the final sessions of two new series that began in May:
- 1 p.m. New York time: “Healing Pain Through Meditation, Part 5.” A brief teaching plus a deep guided meditation for healing physical and emotional pain.
- 1:40 p.m. New York time: “All-Accomplishing Wisdom." A teaching and guided meditation on this wisdom, which realizes that all phenomena are spontaneously, effortlessly and naturally perfected in the base of self-arising wisdom.
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Learn more about the teachings on Healing Pain and the Five Wisdoms
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