lishu logoRegister Now for Tummo and Dream Yoga at Lishu Institute

Short Course in Phowa Also Available

lishu flowers mdLishu Institute, Ligmincha’s residential retreat center for intensive practice and study of the Tibetan Bön teachings, is beginning a new 10-week retreat on Tummo and Dream Yoga in early January 2019.

All are welcome to attend this intensive retreat, where they will live and practice at Lishu in an idyllic rural setting near the town of Dehradun in Northern India.

From January 7–March 1, students will have an opportunity to receive in-depth teachings on the topics of tummo (inner fire) and dream yoga from the Bön Mother Tantra, along with the practice of tsa lung trul khor (Tibetan yoga) from both the Zhang Zhung and the A-tri traditions.

View from Lishu balcony 2The view from Lishu’s back balcony

Geshe Sherab Lodoe from Menri Monastery will teach, and resident teacher and translator Sangmo Yangri will translate. Students also will be supported by an experienced tummo practitioner from Triten Norbutse Monastery near Kathmandu, Nepal and newly graduated geshes from Menri Monastery.

If you are not able to attend this longer retreat, Lishu also will offer a short retreat on Phowa (transference of consciousness) March 4–17. The third trimester of the year will focus on dzogchen (nature of mind) teachings from the Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyü: 12 Small Tantras, to be held April 1–May 21.

The course of study will include academics, meditation and practice and Tibetan yoga, plus an opportunity to visit nearby monasteries and towns.

For more information, email Sangmo YangriThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

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