Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche’s Upcoming Teaching Schedule
More Information Available Soon on Ligmincha Website
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche’s teaching schedule for December and January, as far as it is known at this time, is on the Ligmincha International website.
The schedule includes Rinpoche’s in-person teachings at Ligmincha International retreat centers or other locations throughout the world. It also includes his online teachings offered through Ligmincha Learning or GlideWing. The schedule will be updated as teachings are added or revised.
In addition, a listing of Rinpoche's free live Facebook teachings and guided meditations is available here.
Here is a list of Rinpoche’s retreats as we know them so far for December and January. Check back on the Ligmincha International website soon for a more updated list of 2019 retreats and teachings.