International Sangha Group Photos
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche has traveled and taught in Europe every summer for many years. The sanghas have grown not only in the number of locations, but also in size, as you can see in some recent photos below. The international sangha shines brightly across the world!
Here are the locations and topics for the upcoming retreats in August and September:
August 10–12, 2018
Location: Helsinki, Finland
Subject: The True Source of Healing
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August 14–19, 2018
Location: Wilga, Poland
Subject: Dzogchen Teachings of Tapihritsa
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August 21–26, 2018
Location: Buchenau, Germany
Subject: Twenty-One Nails, Part 4
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September 7–9, 2018
Location: Budapest, Hungary
Subject: The Practice of the Six Lokas
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