April and May Spring Retreats Focus on 'The Five Wisdoms'
Retreats at Serenity Ridge in Virginia and Vienna, Austria
Join Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche in exploring “The Five Wisdoms” this spring. Rinpoche will teach on the topic at the Serenity Ridge Spring Retreat April 12–15 and in Vienna, Austria May 11–13.
Wisdom has a specific meaning in dzogchen: the recognition of the natural state, one’s true nature. It does not refer to something we come by gradually or with age or experience; rather, it describes the recognition of the complete perfection in this moment, in any given moment.
When we realize the unbounded openness and pure awareness of our natural mind, this recognition displays itself as five distinct wisdom qualities.
Don’t miss the opportunity to participate in this special retreat in the United States or Europe.
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Spring Service Retreat April 9–12: Participate in a special sevice retreat to receive a credit of $10 for each hour of service work performed, to be applied toward the cost of the Spring Retreat.
Learn more/apply