3 Doors Compassion Project Grows
Following the success of a nine-month Compassion Project teaching in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, The 3 Doors is pleased to announce a new live online Compassion Project program beginning September 17, 2017. Registration is now open.
The 3 Doors Compassion Project teaches caregivers practical meditation methods to maintain their motivation and recharge their energy, so they can respond to whatever arises in the moment from a natural place of presence. With more than 50 percent of healthcare professionals reporting symptoms of burnout, the need for self-care practices has never been greater. The Compassion Project teach select practices that support compassionate care and self-compassion for healthcare professionals, educators, therapists and anyone who is motivated by compassion.
Marcy Vaughn
Gabriel RoccoThe Compassion Project was co-founded by teachers Marcy Vaughn and Gabriel Rocco, who live in Bryn Mawr. Twenty-nine people recently completed the first nine-month program, funded by a generous donor. In May, a five-week intensive class served 43 more people.
The project is one of several new initiatives of The 3 Doors, an experientially based program whose practices have their roots in the dzogchen tradition of Tibetan Bön Buddhism and are taught in a way that is accessible and relevant for modern life. Practitioners from 19 different countries have participated in 3 Doors Academies and other initiatives in Europe, North America, and Latin America.
Now, the benefits of the Compassion Project are being brought to participants throughout the world through the new nine-month, live online program. Registration is now open to accept up to 60 people and then begin a waitlist. With a personalized approach of monthly live online teachings, combined with twice monthly live online small group sessions of up to eight people and additional support materials, this program is a start toward creating a global community around compassionate action toward self and others.
Participants in the nine-month Compassion Project in Pennsylvania
A key aspect of the Compassion Project is a 3 Doors research program that is monitoring the effects of The 3 Doors meditation practices on compassion and self-compassion, mindfulness, work burnout, anxiety and depression, quality of relationships and quality of life. In October 2017, Marcy and Gabriel will be joined by Compassion Project principal investigator Mike Gawrysiak, Ph.D., to present the preliminary findings at the Science and Spirituality Conference hosted by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche at Serenity Ridge Retreat Center in Virginia. The theme of the conference is The Medicine of Mind: Healing Physical and Emotional Pain.
Register for the nine-month online program
Donate to support continued Compassion Project programs
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