With the start of the new year, Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche has launched an innovative way for you to connect with him, the ancient teachings and fellow students around the world through regular, live broadcasts that can be easily viewed on his Facebook page.
Every few days, Rinpoche will broadcast live discussions of his books, interviews with experts in the fields of science and spirituality, pith wisdom teachings from the Tibetan Bön Buddhist tradition and much more. Through these new TWR LIVE broadcasts, viewers can even enjoy occasional impromptu live streams featuring Rinpoche, his family and/or his travels. As with Rinpoche’s other webcasts, viewers will have an opportunity to submit questions and receive answers from Rinpoche.
These broadcasts are free and open to all. You don't need a Facebook account to watch TWR LIVE; simply visit Rinpoche’s Facebook page and scroll down to the viewing screen. If you do have a Facebook account, be sure to like his page and click on "Follow" to receive a notification each time he goes live. The upcoming schedule and archives of all recorded broadcasts can be found at Ligmincha Learning.
A new TWR LIVE seven-week series live on Facebook is now under way!
Rinpoche is taking advantage of new Facebook Live technology to connect more often with students in an informal way. Through TWR LIVE you can broaden your knowledge and deepen your connection to the ancient wisdom traditions of Tibetan Bön Buddhism. You also can learn meditation practices and cultivate awareness for greater social and personal transformation.
Conversations LIVE on Facebook
In this special feature of TWR LIVE, Rinpoche will talk with experts in many fields including science, health, philosophy, medicine and spirituality. Presenters will share from their specialties their perspectives on relevant issues of our time, and Rinpoche will weave in pertinent aspects related to the ancient Tibetan Bön Buddhist teachings. Opportunities will be available to engage in question-and-answer sessions with Rinpoche and presenters.
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche is the founding spiritual director of Ligmincha International, a worldwide network of Tibetan Bön Buddhist centers and spiritual communities. For more information about Rinpoche, his teaching schedule, online learning and books, visit the Ligmincha International website.
Your ideas for future broadcasts are most welcome! So is your support, whether through online technical assistance or monetary donations.
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View upcoming schedule and access recordings
Sunday, February 12, 8:30 a.m. Eastern Time U.S. (New York time)
A Conversation with Alejandro Chaoul-Reich, Assistant Professor and Director of Education, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and guest presenter Alejandro Chaoul-Reich discuss the benefits of Tibetan yoga and sound meditation in cancer patients as revealed in research findings at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas. Since 2000, they formed a team that included MD Anderson researchers and Ligmincha Texas practitioners to investigate the possible benefits of the ancient Bön mind-body practices of tsa lung and trul khor with different cancer populations and their caregivers. They also have researched the benefits of Tibetan sound meditation to ease cognitive impairment after chemotherapy in women with breast cancer. This research has helped reshape the clinical group and individual meditation sessions that MD Anderson provides to patients and caregivers, and now also to faculty and staff.