Ligmincha Celebrates 25th Anniversary in 2017!
A Letter from Ligmincha International President Rob Patzig
Tenzin Rinpoche and Rob Patzig in Austria
Twenty-five years ago Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche had a vision. He saw a vehicle by which the ancient traditions and wisdom of Tibetan Bön Buddhism could be preserved and also be made accessible to a modern Western audience. He named the vehicle “Ligmincha.”
Since then, through his constant activity, kindness and grace, five retreat centers, dozens of practice groups, online courses, thousands of hours of recordings and many books have come into being. More importantly, tens of thousands of people around the world have encountered these teachings and seen their lives change. Whether we attend retreats in person or are part of the cyber-sangha, we are all part of the Ligmincha community.
Celebrations throughout the year will emphasize building and growing as communities of practice, both online and in person. We will begin on Saturday, March 4, at 10:30 a.m. New York time with a live Losar broadcast. Rinpoche and our resident lamas will be offering prayers and good wishes for this year of the Fire Bird. Then, throughout the year at gatherings where Rinpoche is teaching, different activities will take place. Learn more about suggested Losar preparations on the Ligmincha International website and also at your local practice or retreat center website or Facebook page.
Serenity Ridge
At Serenity Ridge, the home of Ligmincha International, we will celebrate with two special occasions. This summer Rinpoche will teach for two weeks on both dzogchen (pith instructions from Bön dzogchen lineage masters) and the Bön Mother Tantra. These teachings are very close to his heart, and he will share them together for the first time on this special occasion.
Then, in the fall, Rinpoche will give teachings on The Knowledge and Wisdom of Longevity. Following the retreat, a day of events on October 22 will celebrate Ligmincha’s 25th anniversary and the opening of a new building at Serenity Ridge. This will be followed by a conference on Science and Spirituality, with a range of presenters and with Rinpoche in attendance and guiding practices each day.
While Ligmincha is an organization – running retreat centers, managing websites, organizing teachings and managing a small staff to support Rinpoche, our resident lamas and Western teachers – it is so much more. Ligmincha is us, all of us. Ligmincha is a collective of people speaking many languages and living in many countries. Ligmincha is people who attend retreats and people who watch the teachings online without ever visiting a retreat center. Ligmincha is all of us working together to ensure that these teachings and the transformations they are capable of effecting are kept alive. Whether you practice alone in an apartment in Moscow, lead a weekly practice session at one of our practice communities like in Torreon, Mexico, or are part of the collective of practitioners known as the “cyber-sangha,” you are Ligmincha. Together, we are Ligmincha.
So much has happened in these 25 years. Our anniversary is an opportunity to reflect on all that has been accomplished, and to celebrate those accomplishments. But more importantly, it is a time to reconnect to the teachings and to one another and to look ahead. Many people have benefited from the dharma, the work of Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and Ligmincha. There is still so much suffering in the world and so many opportunities to help others. As a community of practitioners, we can accomplish more together than by working alone.
In the coming days and weeks much more detail on the activities of the year will be made available. Please do check our websites and Facebook pages for updates.
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche Facebook
In service,
Rob Patzig, President
Ligmincha International