Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Join Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche from your computer for the next free live webcast on February 11 (Saturday), 3–4:10 p.m., on the topic of "Helping Loved Ones Through Sickness and Death.“This webcast is Part 6 of a free six-month course on Living With Joy, Dying in Peace. Each webcast is free and open to all!
The time may come when you feel called to support a friend or loved one through the struggles of aging, sickness and death. According to the Tibetan traditions, to be of true service a helper needs three beneficial qualities: openness, awareness and warmth. In this webcast, Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche explains how to:
- Open yourself more fully to your friend or loved one without being driven by fears or expectations.
- Connect more fully with the person, rather than disengaging due to stress, emotion, or
compassion fatigue.
- Host the other person in the warmth of loving-kindness, to nurture a genuine sense of acceptance,
comfort, protection and trust.
Real-time translation will be offered in as many as 12 languages.