Bid to Benefit Ligmincha International Programs Worldwide
This year for the first time, Ligmincha International is holding an online auction that will benefit the worldwide organization, which is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. The auction, open to everyone, will take place from December 1–21.
Participants can bid on a range of items, including:
Bone necklace donated and blessed by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Following the close of the auction on December 21, all auction items will be blessed by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche before they are sent to the winning bidders.Mandala set
Proceeds from the auction will be used to support Ligmincha International’s mission of preserving the Bön teachings and making them accessible in various ways to people all over the world. The proceeds will be used in part to fund program development for new online courses, each costing about $4,000 to create and produce. For example, an online Ngöndro (dzogchen preliminary practices) course will be available through Ligmincha Learning early in 2018. Also planned are a Sleep Yoga course and a new training program for Ligmincha practice leaders around the world.
Chod drum, donated by Geshe Tenzin Yangton, Serenity Ridge resident lama, used in his personal practice
Auction revenue also will provide initial capital for Ligmincha’s new Sacred Sky Press, which will translate and publish Yungdrung Bön works in English. The first book, Indestructible: The Longevity Practice of Lama Tséwang Rikdzin, translated and annotated by Raven Cypress Wood, became available in October. Sacred Sky Press intends to release three to four books each year that will benefit the entire Bön community. Depending on the size of the print run and the formatting, upfront cost of each publication can range from $2,000–$6,000. Capital is needed to fund the publications initially until proceeds are generated from the sale of the books.
Finally, some of the funds will be used for equipment in the new multipurpose building at Serenity Ridge, especially for kitchen and yoga studio equipment. Look for more information soon!
The online auction is being conducted through the BiddingForGood online auction platform. Bidding on each item will take place throughout December 1–21. Emails will be sent to anyone who has been outbid, so they can bid again—or bids can be placed on one’s behalf in increments, up to a maximum set by the bidder.
To participate, on December 1 or after, visit BiddingForGood and type the word “Ligmincha” in the search bar at the top of the page. Make sure you register and are logged in. You also must have a credit card on file to bid.
Please participate and help support Ligmincha International! As a thank-you, everyone who bids on an auction item will, shortly after the auction concludes, receive a link to a special teaching by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche.