Announcements Issue
Volume 17, Number 6 / December 2017
Letter from the Editors
Ligmincha's Beautiful 25th Anniversary at Serenity Ridge
Dear Friends,
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche brought tears to everyone's eyes in honoring and giving thanks to all who helped create Ligmincha over the past 25 years during the 25th Anniversary commemoration at Serenity Ridge Retreat Center, headquarters of Ligmincha International, on October 22. So many special moments of joy, connection, prayer, love, creativity and gratitude were shared on the mountain in Virginia. And then there are the many worldwide sangha celebrations that took place over this year, as well! It's beyond words really, but we do have a very special letter from Rinpoche as he looks back and also looks ahead . . . and also a photo montage for you of pictures taken during the Fall Retreat and the October 22 anniversary day at Serenity Ridge!
Rinpoche expressed his feelings so eloquently that day:
As we are commemorating our 25th year of Ligmincha, I would like to express my deep gratitude. Many people have been here from the start of Ligmincha Institute, and even more have helped to support us since then. But not everyone who began this journey is still here: people have passed away, found other teachers and traditions, moved in different directions. But in every case, each individual’s contribution continues to benefit so many others. Ligmincha’s retreat centers, The 3 Doors, Lishu Institute, my books, the cyber-sangha: all of these are here because you and others like you helped create space and energy for these activities to continuously manifest. I’m forever grateful to all of you.
And we are forever grateful to you, Rinpoche.
The Cyber-Sangha Week of online events that began October 22 and continued over seven days went fabulously, as well, and it is highlighted below with links to features from around the world – nearly 20 countries – in honor of Rinpoche and Ligmincha's anniversary. Don't worry if you missed it on Facebook, the archive is here for you below! And if you haven't seen the 25th Anniversary commemorative book, it's wonderful, filled with old and new photos and lots of Ligmincha history, and it's available now!
A NEW online fundraising auction will be held starting December 1 to benefit Ligmincha International programs worldwide. See the details below.
Also included in December's issue: Learn about Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche’s 2018 four seasonal retreats at Serenity Ridge. Meet Serenity Ridge’s new managing director, Will Gallik. View Rinpoche's live Facebook teachings through December, plus two live conversations in early January. Read details about Ligmincha Learning's next online workshop on "The Three Heart Mantras" beginning January 5, 2018. Keep an eye out for a NEW Ngondro online course to be offered later in 2018 with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche – details coming soon! GlideWing's next online workshop on "Awakening the Sacred Body: The Tibetan Yogas of Breath and Movement" begins January 6. An article about The 3 Doors upcoming programs, a link to Ligmincha Europe Magazine and a link to the Spanish translation of the October VOCL also are included in this issue.
And as always, you can find Rinpoche’s upcoming teaching schedule on Ligmincha's website. Check out his new schedule for 2018 soon.
In service in Bön,
Aline and Jeff
Letter From Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Year-End Reflections
Dear Sangha and Friends,
This has been a year of extraordinary change and transformation, not only for Ligmincha, but also for me personally and all followers of Bön. Ligmincha has begun to grow and expand in ways that none of us could have imagined even just a few years ago. My son, Senghe, has moved to India to study at the Tibetan Children’s Village School. And, of course, in the past year nothing outshadows the passing of His Holiness, Lungtok Tenpai Nyima Rinpoche, at the age of 89.
Without the incredible kindness, discipline, effort and vision of His Holiness, there is almost no chance that any of us would have met with these teachings in this lifetime. In his life no task was beneath him, no obstacle too great and no burden too heavy. This strength came to him because he was a true embodiment of compassion and wisdom in human form. He left his body with all the signs of full realization. And so we know that, while everyone who knew him feels a deep sense of loss, his presence in our lives will never pass away.
We honor the memory of His Holiness through our work: together as Ligmincha and also as individuals in our practice and the ways in which we live in the world. Looking back at these past 25 years it is amazing to see how many people have felt a connection to the teachings that he and His Eminence Yongdzin Rinpoche brought from Tibet. So many people have offered their time, knowledge and financial support to ensure a home for Bön in the West. I have immense gratitude for everyone who has been a part of this journey – those who are still here and those no longer with us. No effort has been wasted, and every contribution continues to benefit the dharma and practitioners all around the world.
I feel that our successes come from openness, flexibility and a deep sense of connection. The truth of the teachings never changes; the support of the internal and external refuges never changes. But the format, they ways that the teachings are presented, can change to suit the needs of the times and the culture.
At the beginning of Ligmincha, connecting meant coming to retreats or weekend teachings and meeting together in local practice groups. At that time books and transcripts and cassette recordings were the only supports for practice. The Internet has changed everything. First we created a website, then online courses, social media sites, webcasts and finally Facebook Live events in many languages. It is impossible to say what forms the teachings will have in the future. But through our open hearts and flexibility of thought, more and more people will find strength and healing from the teachings. Together we will build an increasingly diverse community of practitioners, each of whom can participate in the ways that best suit them. From short self-guided teachings and practices online, practice groups in many languages and locations, to extended periods of solitary retreat: we will support all practitioners according to their situation and their capacity.
In 2018 I intend to spend time in India with my family. While there and throughout the year I will be focused on developing the cyber-sangha and preserving the Bön teachings. In India and abroad, Ligmincha will increase its efforts to record Bön knowledge-holders, preserving their wisdom for future generations. I am also excited to continue expanding access to the teachings in Asia, including China, and in the Tibetan community. To strengthen our local sanghas we will be offering more training and support for practice leaders, umzes and teachers. These trainings will be online and in person.
At this time I want to thank Rob Patzig, our President; Sue Davis-Dill, our Executive Director; the members of the International Board and all of our local leaders for their efforts to support the sangha and for the cooperation that is taking place all around the world. I also want to thank all of the volunteers who make our retreats and our many Facebook Live events possible. Without them I could not do nearly as much as I am doing now.
From the depths of my heart I thank every person who has been a part of all this, and I hold each of you in my prayers.
With my blessings,
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Cyber-Sangha Week
Seven Days of Online Commemoration in Honor of Ligmincha’s 25th Anniversary
From October 22–28, 2017, Ligmincha International hosted Cyber-Sangha Week, a special online commemoration of the 25 years since the founding of Ligmincha by Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche.
Below are links to the many videos, photographs and other posts created and shared by the worldwide Ligmincha centers and spiritual communities (sanghas) in observance of Cyber-Sangha Week. We hope you enjoy this heartfelt introduction to Ligmincha’s teachers, teachings and traditions, as well as its many worldwide centers and sanghas.
Ligmincha International
- Ligmincha International: Recorded live broadcast (1:25:27) of opening ceremonies of Ligmincha’s 25th Anniversary commemoration at Serenity Ridge Retreat Center. View
- Ligmincha International: Photographs of letters conveying the kind thoughts and good wishes of H.H. Lungtok Tenpai Nyima Rinpoche (April 4), Yongdzin Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche (May 24), Geshe Yong Dong (October 22) and Chaphur Rinpoche (October 19) on the occasion of Ligmincha International’s 25th Anniversary. View
- Ligmincha International: Photograph of a letter conveying the good wishes of Geshe Thupten Gyaltsen Negi of Lishu Institute (October 22) on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Ligmincha International. View
- Ligmincha Austria: Video (2:08), “Ligmincha Austria – Introduction.” View
- Ligmincha Austria: Video (59:09), ” Guided Meditation 1 with Ligmincha Austria,” prayers, Nine Breathings, Tsa Lung, Dedication. View
- Ligmincha Austria: Video (1:16:29), ” Guided Meditation 2 with Ligmincha Austria.” Prayers, Nine Breathings, Life Force Tsa Lung, Guru Yoga, Warrior Syllables, Invocation of Yeshe Walmo, Dedication. View
- Ligmincha Austria: Video (1:29), “Sleep Yoga Vienna 2017 (brief excerpt), Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche” from May 2017 teachings by Rinpoche in Vienna, Austria. View
- Ligmincha Brazil: Video (4 min.), “Welcome to Ligmincha Brazil.” Members of the Ligmincha Brazil sangha reveal their deep connection with the teachings of Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and all that’s available through their devoted volunteer work, both in person and online. In English with Portuguese subtitles, 4 min. View
- Ligmincha Colombia: Video (7:17), “Bön in Colombia: Sowing Seeds in Sacred Lands.” Documents a day of practice and homage to the lineage and our teachers. View
Costa Rica
- Ligmincha Costa Rica: Video (4:19) introducing the Costa Rican sangha and teachers. View
- Ligmincha Costa Rica: Recorded live broadcast (1:10:11) of guided group practice. View
- Ligmincha Denmark: Photograph of a recent meeting of the Ligmincha Denmark sangha. View
- Ligmincha France & Suisse Romande: Recorded live broadcast (1:02:53) of a guided practice (with Roland) of the Five Warrior Syllables. View
- Ligmincha France & Suisse Romande: Recorded live broadcast (9:21) of sacred dance of Yeshe Walmo, executed by Geshe Tenzin Gelek. View
- Ligmincha Berlin, Germany: Video (5:29), “Be a Tourist In Your Life,” of the Berlin sangha presenting their center and sangha. July 2017. View
- Ligmincha Germany: Recorded live broadcast (1:05:18) of one-hour guided meditation with monthly local practice group in Frankfurt area. Practicing Nine Breathings of Purification, Tsa Lung and the full Guru Yoga practice (with Florian). View
- Ligmincha Germany:Video playlist, “Impressions Summer Retreat 2017 in Germany.” Some impressions from our recent summer retreat at Schloss Buchenau. View
- Ligmincha Germany: (1:08:13) Recorded live broadcast of one-hour guided meditation with monthly online practice group. Practicing Nine Breathings of Purification, the practice of inner refuge and the Five Warrior Syllables practice (with Anja). View
- Ligmincha Germany: Recorded live broadcast (1:03:50) of one-hour guided meditation with weekly online practice group. Practicing Tsa Lung, Nine Breathings of Purification, the Invocation of Tapihritsa, the practice of inner refuge and the chanting of the Sa Le Ö Mantra (with Anja). View
- Ligmincha Germany: Video (15:20), online premiere of “Rinpoche teaching in Germany: 27 Years in Pictures” – a film that was first presented to Rinpoche and the European and German sangha at the Summer Retreat 2017 in Germany. View
- Ligmincha Hungary: Recorded live broadcast (in three segments) includes brief introduction to Ligmincha, Ligmincha Hungary and its weekly practice group, plus a guided group meditation. View Part 1 (15:01) / Part 2 (57:57) / Part 3 (1:00:21)
- Lishu Institute, India: A playlist of short videos of our daily ritual practices of Sang, Chöd and Sur. View
- Lishu Institute, India: Photographs of recent daily activities at Lishu. View
- Lishu Institute, India: Photographs of a smoke offering done on the morning of October 22 in commemoration of the 25th anniversary of Ligmincha International. View
- Ligmincha Italy: Video (2:08) of photos taken during an early September seminar in Rome with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, “The Living Universe and the 5 elements in Shamanism, Dzogchen and Tantra according to Bon-Buddhist Tradition.” View
- Ligmincha Ireland: An account of the beginnings of the Ligmincha Irish sangha; plus a photograph of some of the Cork sangha members after Tsa Lung practice. View account / View photo
- Ligmincha Durango, Mexico: Video (4:12) with photo montage of the history of Bön in Durango. View
- Ligmincha Guanajuato, Mexico: Video (3:57) of the trajectory of the Guanajuato sangha. View
- Ligmincha Monterrey, Mexico: Video (3:16) on the essence of the Monterrey Sangha, “Ligmincha Monterrey México,” produced by Enrique García. View
- Ligmincha San Miguel, Mexico: Video (7:35) of testimonials from sangha members, “My first contact with Rinpoche and the teachings.” Title: “Ligmincha San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.” In Spanish. View
- Ligmincha Torreón, Mexico: Video (5:50) produced by the retreat center, revealing the scope of the Mexican stupas. View
- Ligmincha Valle de Bravo, Mexico: Video (8:32) of ritual in the Great Stupa guided by Lama Kalsang Nyima and Lama Yungdrung Lodoe, “Sangha Valle De Bravo.” View
- Ligmincha Mexico City: Video (2:42) “Building Our Sangha” with photo montage of sangha and teachers. View
- Ligmincha Morelos, Mexico: Video (1:48), “25 Años ligmincha,” showing sangha practicing amid the beautiful landscapes of Tepoztlán. View
- Ligmincha Valle de Toluca, Mexico: Video (5:26) on the history of dharma in Toluca. View
The Netherlands
- Ligmincha Netherlands: Recorded live broadcast (44:27) of guided practice with Tonny Maas. View
- Ligmincha Peru: Video (2:04), “Resumen de las visitas de Lama Tenzin al Perú.” Summarizes the retreats Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche has led with various Peruvian audiences, including the sangha, business executives, university teachers, and shamans and indigenous people of Peru. View
- Ligmincha Poland: Recorded live broadcast (1:29:38). Jarek Kotas guides a meditation and include a short discussion on Bön, dzogchen, Tenzin Wangle Rinpoche and Ligmincha International. Practice includes include Guru Yoga, Inner Refuge, SA LE O mantra and dedication of merit. View
- Ligmincha Poland: Recorded live broadcast (1:12:51). Jarek Kotas guides a meditation and include a short discussion on Bön, dzogchen, Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and Ligmincha International. Practice includes Guru Yoga, Inner Refuge, SA LE O mantra and dedication of merit. View
- Ligmincha Poland: Recorded live broadcast (50:49). Rysiu Adamiak says a few words about the history of the Polish sangha and guides a meditation with his local group. View
- Ligmincha Poland: Video (3:11) with greetings to everyone all over the world from Geshe Yungdrung Gyatso, resident lama of Chamma Ling Poland, and the many sangha groups of Ligmincha Poland. View
- Ligmincha Poland: Video (23:10) with slideshow commemorating the 20th anniversary of Ligmincha Poland, which they celebrated in 2016. View
- Ligmincha Slovakia: Photographs from past events in Bratislava. Public lectures by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and other teachers of the Tibetan Bon tradition. View
- Ligmincha Spain: Video (13:37) “Testimonios de vida desde Ligmincha.” How the practices and approach of Ligmincha have improved the life and health of people associated with our practice groups in Spain. View
United States
- Ligmincha Los Angeles, California: Video (4:31) of photo montage celebrating Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche’s life’s work and 25 years of Ligmincha International. View
- Serenity Ridge Retreat Center, Virginia, U.S.A.: Recorded live broadcast (1:25:27) of opening ceremonies of Ligmincha’s 25th Anniversary commemoration at Serenity Ridge. View
- Serenity Ridge Retreat Center, Virginia, U.S.A.: Photographs from the 25th Anniversary Celebration at Serenity Ridge. View
For more information, visit the Ligmincha International Facebook page.
25th Anniversary Book Available!
Purchase Commemorative Book Through PayPal
A new book commemorating the past 25 years of Ligmincha is now available for sangha and friends to purchase. The book was released October 22 during Ligmincha’s 25th anniversary commemoration at Serenity Ridge Retreat Center, headquarters of Ligmincha International.
Commemorating 25 Years: Ligmincha International & Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche is a look at the past 25 years, from Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche's founding of Ligmincha Institute in 1992, through the organization's expansion to a vibrant worldwide community of practitioners of Tibetan Bön Buddhism.
In this commemorative book, photos and text tell the story of the origins of the Bön tradition, Rinpoche’s life and teachings, and the growth of Ligmincha into an international organization that includes more than 70 centers and sanghas in more than 20 countries, plus a vibrant cyber-sangha of people around the world who come together for online teachings.
The 114-page book is filled with beautiful photos from Ligmincha’s earliest years up through the present. Rinpoche’s students throughout the world have contributed photos that help tell the story of Ligmincha's formation and expansion over the past 25 years.
Commemorating 25 Years is available in the Ligmincha Bookstore and Tibet Shop at Serenity Ridge, or for order through PayPal. Cost of the book is $25, plus shipping. Copies also will be available at upcoming retreats in The Netherlands.
PayPal (Europe/Mexico/South America)

New Online Auction Begins December 1
Bid to Benefit Ligmincha International Programs Worldwide
This year for the first time, Ligmincha International is holding an online auction that will benefit the worldwide organization, which is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. The auction, open to everyone, will take place from December 1–21.
Participants can bid on a range of items, including:
Bone necklace donated and blessed by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
- Bone necklace with pendant blessed and donated by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche.
- Chöd drum from Geshe Tenzin Yangton, Serenity Ridge resident lama, used in his personal practice.
- Shenlha Okar thangka and a set of mandala banners from the Serenity Ridge Lama House used extensively in Lama Tashi's and Geshe Yangton' s practice.
- Two sets of offering bowls used in during Fall Retreat at Serenity Ridge for Nampar Gyalwa ritual, the most elaborated Bön ritual so far performed in the West.
- Tséwang Rikdzin thangka, which hung in the gompa during the Serenity Ridge Fall Retreat on Longevity.
- Framed “A” blessed by His Holiness at the last teaching he gave in the United States. It was then placed on Geshe Yangton’s crown and given to him as a part of an empowerment for Zhine.
- Dzambhala wealth deity statue.
- Books about Bön, mandala sets, malas, bracelets and much more!
Following the close of the auction on December 21, all auction items will be blessed by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche before they are sent to the winning bidders.Mandala set
Proceeds from the auction will be used to support Ligmincha International’s mission of preserving the Bön teachings and making them accessible in various ways to people all over the world. The proceeds will be used in part to fund program development for new online courses, each costing about $4,000 to create and produce. For example, an online Ngöndro (dzogchen preliminary practices) course will be available through Ligmincha Learning early in 2018. Also planned are a Sleep Yoga course and a new training program for Ligmincha practice leaders around the world.
Chod drum, donated by Geshe Tenzin Yangton, Serenity Ridge resident lama, used in his personal practice
Auction revenue also will provide initial capital for Ligmincha’s new Sacred Sky Press, which will translate and publish Yungdrung Bön works in English. The first book, Indestructible: The Longevity Practice of Lama Tséwang Rikdzin, translated and annotated by Raven Cypress Wood, became available in October. Sacred Sky Press intends to release three to four books each year that will benefit the entire Bön community. Depending on the size of the print run and the formatting, upfront cost of each publication can range from $2,000–$6,000. Capital is needed to fund the publications initially until proceeds are generated from the sale of the books.
Finally, some of the funds will be used for equipment in the new multipurpose building at Serenity Ridge, especially for kitchen and yoga studio equipment. Look for more information soon!
How to Participate
The online auction is being conducted through the BiddingForGood online auction platform. Bidding on each item will take place throughout December 1–21. Emails will be sent to anyone who has been outbid, so they can bid again—or bids can be placed on one’s behalf in increments, up to a maximum set by the bidder.
To participate, on December 1 or after, visit BiddingForGood and type the word “Ligmincha” in the search bar at the top of the page. Make sure you register and are logged in. You also must have a credit card on file to bid.
Please participate and help support Ligmincha International! As a thank-you, everyone who bids on an auction item will, shortly after the auction concludes, receive a link to a special teaching by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche.
Bidder frequently asked questions
A Photo Montage from Serenity Ridge
Beautiful 25th Anniversary Had by All
Enjoy this montage of photos of from the 25th Anniversary and Fall Retreat at Serenity Ridge!
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche’s 2018 Retreats at Serenity Ridge
Four Seasonal Retreats Scheduled
Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche will teach four seasonal retreats at Serenity Ridge Retreat Center in 2018. Retreat topics include the five wisdoms, tummo (inner heat), powa (the transfer of consciousness), and the final year of a five-year dzogchen series in December.
The dates and topics are below. Look for more information soon on the Serenity Ridge website.
April 13–15, 2018
Spring Retreat: The Five Wisdoms. More information to come.
June 24–July 7, 2018
Summer Retreat: Tummo: Inner Fire of Realization
Tummo refers to inner heat, and its teachings include both tantric and dzogchen support practices to burn away subtle obscurations and cultivate bliss. Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche will teach from the text Ku Sum Rang Shar (Spontaneous Arising of the Three Kayas), written by Shardza Tashi Gyaltsen Rinpoche, a Bön master who achieved the body of light, or rainbow body, in 1934. Participants may attend one or both weeks. If only able to join one week, Rinpoche advises those new to these teachings to come to week one. This is the beginning of a three-year tummo series at Summer Retreat.
October 17–21, 2018
Fall Retreat: Powa: Transfer of Consciousness from the Bön Mother Tantra
Death is a natural process. Students will learn how to adopt the right attitude in preparation for death and how to perform the powa practice, which enables the transfer of consciousness at the time of death directly into a pure realm.
December 27, 2018–January 1, 2019
Winter Retreat: The Experiential Transmission of Zhang Zhung, Part 5
The Experiential Transmission series, the centerpiece of Rinpoche's dzogchen teachings, is presented each year at our Winter Retreat. This fifth and final year of the series focuses on the seven cycles of clear light, where students receive guidance in tögel (pure vision) meditation. Live translation available in Spanish.
Prerequisite: Previous completion of Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the Experiential Transmission of Zhang Zhung series.
Details of the retreats will be added to the Serenity Ridge homepage as they become available. In addition, it is expected that retreats with other teachers will be added during the year.
Serenity Ridge homepage
Will Gallik Is New Managing Director of Serenity Ridge
Looks Forward to Meeting Sangha Members
Serenity Ridge Retreat Center welcomes Will Gallik as its new managing director. Will began his new position in mid-October.
Will has been a student of Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche since 2012 and a volunteer at Serenity Ridge since 2014. He began working part-time in the Serenity Ridge office in July 2017. Stella Richards, former operations manager of Serenity Ridge, retired during the summer after serving in her position for three years.
In his new position, he will oversee and assist with all of Serenity Ridge’s main administrative and organizational activities. This includes programming and events, staffing and volunteers, communications and coordination of day-to-day operations.
Will received his B.S. in psychology from James Madison University and master’s in public administration from Central Michigan University. He has worked in leadership of two mental health advocacy organizations helping transform the way mental health is approached: a local recovery resource and support center in Charlottesville and a statewide advocacy organization headquartered in Richmond.
As a student of human nature, Will has worked to find peace of mind and share this with others. A longtime resident of Charlottesville, Virginia, he was thrilled to find a such a dynamic teacher in Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and the profound tradition of Bön so close to home.
Will looks forward to meeting as many sangha members as he can. Please stop by the office and introduce yourself the next time you are at Serenity Ridge! You can email him at the
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Serenity Ridge is the headquarters of Ligmincha International. Sue Davis-Dill is executive director of Ligmincha International.
TWR LIVE Pith Instructions Continue Through December on Flexible Schedule
Conversations Set for January 2 and 3, 2018
Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche will continue his TWR LIVE teachings on the topic of Pith Instructions through the month of December on his Facebook page. Because of uncertain Internet access amid Rinpoche’s extensive travels in coming days and weeks, there must be flexibility in the broadcast schedule. Visit the Ligmincha Learning website for schedule updates.
Pith instructions are an extraordinarily simple and direct way to receive and connect with the ancient Tibetan teachings. In these teachings and guided meditations, Rinpoche will draw from his own years of personal reflection on the heart-essence teachings of dzogchen. The dzogchen, or “great perfection,” teachings are considered the path of self-liberation and the highest form of teaching and practice in the Bön Buddhist tradition. Their practices can enable the practitioner to directly experience the nature of mind, which is our true essence.
In addition to his Pith Instruction teachings, two Conversations LIVE (part of TWR LIVE) will take place on January 2 and 3, 2018. On January 2, Rinpoche will engage in conversation with two Tibetan doctors; and on January 3 he will talk (Tibetan language only) with six Tibetan lamas.
You also may wish to view the first TWR LIVE Creative Meet & Greet, broadcast live on Rinpoche’s Facebook page on November 14.
View Meet & Greet here
View TWR LIVE on Facebook
Learn more about TWR LIVE
Ligmincha Learning Online Course Starts January 5
'The Three Heart Mantras'
Ligmincha Learning's next online course on “The Three Heart Mantras“ with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche starts January 5, 2018. The five-week course will continue through February 10.
The Three Heart Mantras are used in many different meditations in the Bön tradition and play a major role in the ngöndro (preliminary practices). They are said to be the essence of enlightenment in sound and energy, and as we sing or chant the mantras our awareness is transformed to be in union with the Buddhas. They are used for purification, protection and as primary practices toward self-realization.
Also within this course Tenzin Rinpoche explains the essence of the guru yoga, refuge and bodhicitta practices, making this an excellent introduction to the tradition.
This course includes:
- Teaching Videos. Receive original teachings by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche created especially for this course.
- Guided Meditation Videos led by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche in your own home.
- Meditation Assignments. Experience improvement in your daily life through formal and informal practices designed for each part of the course.
- Online Discussions. Contribute to a global discussion with your classmates facilitated by John Jackson, director of the Chamma Ling Colorado retreat center.
Coming in 2018: Online ngöndro course is now in production. More information soon!
Learn more about ngöndro
January GlideWing Course
'Awakening the Sacred Body: The Tibetan Yogas of Breath and Movement'
The next GlideWing online workshop with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, “Awakening the Sacred Body,” will be held January 6–28, 2018. Learn and practice from your own home, at your own schedule, with personal guidance from Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche.
In this three-week workshop, students will explore and practice the ancient Bön Buddhist teachings of Tibetan yoga. The Tibetan Yogas of Breath and Movement consists of two ancient teachings: The Nine Breathings of Purification and the Five Tsa Lung Exercises. The Nine Breathings practice uses the three channels of light within the body as a means of connecting with one's natural mind. The Tsa Lung exercises are movements that work with opening the five chakras within the central channel of the body in order to access the deeper wisdom that is always available.
Online workshop features:
- Three weeks of personal guidance and support provided by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, as you work with the practices.
- Instruction via Internet-based video.
- No set class times; instructional videos remain available throughout the course.
- Practice in the comfort of your home, on your own schedule.
- Easy-to-use course site.
- All you need is a broadband Internet connection, such as DSL or cable.
Coming in February: "The Truth That Sets You Free: Discovering Your Inner Wisdom Through Practices of Waking and Sleeping." February 17–March 11, 2018.
Learn more and register
Program Updates from The 3 Doors
The Joy of Embodied Presence, Compassion Project Retreat, Next North American Academy
The 3 Doors is offering several events in 2018, including an interactive online program focusing on the doorway of the body, a residential retreat for Compassion Project participants and a new North American 3 Doors Academy.
The Doorway of the Body
Start the New Year by refreshing and deepening your meditation practice through the doorway of the body with senior 3 Doors teacher Laura Shekerjian. The Joy of Embodied Presence is a four-week interactive online meditation program that explores the body as a powerful doorway into open awareness and the vibrancy of direct experience. Through simple practices of breath and movement, participants will connect with the deep stability of the body’s stillness and discover the aliveness of the present moment.
The first online class meets on Saturday January 20, 2018 (8–11 a.m. PST), with following classes on January 27, February 3 and February 10 (8–9:30 a.m. PST). Early-bird discount available until December 20. There are 25 spaces available.
Learn more and register
The Compassion Project Retreat
The growing 3 Doors Compassion Project community is gathering this spring to practice and share in the supportive setting of a five-day residential retreat led by Marcy Vaughn and Gabriel Rocco. The retreat, open to all current and past Compassion Project participants, will be held at Pendle Hill retreat center near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, from April 3–8, 2018.
The 3 Doors Compassion Project teaches simple, accessible meditation practices to physicians, teachers, therapists, and others who wish to empower their capacity to serve others and experience the benefits of self-compassion. So far, nine-month and five-week in-person programs have been completed in Philadelphia Pennsylvania, and a nine-month online program is currently under way, serving participants from around the world. Stay tuned: more opportunities to participate are coming in 2018.
Learn more and register
Next North American Academy Begins October 2018
We are pleased to announce that the fifth North American Academy of The 3 Doors, led by senior teachers Marcy Vaughn and Gabriel Rocco, will soon be open for application. The academy is a two-and-one-half-year personal transformation journey that includes six residential retreats. In North America, these retreats are held at Serenity Ridge Retreat Center near Shipman, Virginia. The first five-day retreat of the new Academy takes place October 3–9, 2018. Check the website for future updates.
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche's Teaching Schedule
Upcoming Retreats for December 2017–March 2018
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche’s new 2018 teaching schedule by date and location will soon be available on the Ligmincha International website.
The schedule includes Rinpoche’s in-person teachings at Ligmincha International retreat centers or other locations throughout the world. It also includes his online teachings offered through Ligmincha Learning or GlideWing, plus free TWR LIVE teachings offered regularly through Rinpoche’s Facebook page.
The schedule will be updated as teachings are added or revised.
Here is a list of Rinpoche’s retreats as we know them so far for December through March. Check the website soon for a more updated list of 2018 retreats.
- December 27, 2017–January 1, 2018: Serenity Ridge, Shipman, Virginia: Annual Winter Retreat: The Experiential Transmission of Zhang Zhung, Part 4
- January 5–February 10, 2018: Your computer: Ligmincha Learning online course: The Three Heart Mantras
- January 6–7, 2018: Merida, Mexico: The 3 Doors, 3PA International Retreat
- January 6–28, 2018: Your computer: GlideWing online course: Awakening the Sacred Body
- February 23–25, 2018: Amsterdam, the Netherlands: A-Tri Essentials
- March 3–4, 2018: Grenoble (Montbonnont-St. Martin), France: Dream Yoga and The Clear Light
- March 14–18, 2018: Valle de Bravo, Mexico: The Twenty-One Nails (continuation of teachings)
- March 17–April 1, 2018: Your computer: GlideWing online course: Focusing and Calming Your Mind (Free)
- March 23–25, 2018: Berkeley, California: The Seven Mirrors of Dzogchen, part 3 of 3
- March 31–April 22, 2018: Your computer: GlideWing online course: Tibetan Meditation: The Nature of Mind
Schedule by date
Schedule by location
Ligmincha Europe Magazine Next Issue Coming Soon
View Printed Book of Issues 11–20
During the Fall Retreat at Serenity Ridge the European sangha gave a printed book containing Ligmincha Europe Magazine issues with the issues 11–20 to Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, Serenity Ridge, Chamma Ling Mexico, Chamma Ling Poland, Chamma Ling Colorado, Ligmincha Texas, Menri Monastery and Triten Norbutse Monastery. The future European center, Ligmincha Berlin and Lishu Institute also will receive this book.
The next issue of Ligmincha Europe Magazine will be available soon in December. Check back on their website or Facebook for the soon-to-be released issue!
View Part I of Book
View Part II of Book
Spanish Translation of VOCL
Link to October Issue Now Available
Look for the translations of Voice of Clear Light newsletters at the top of the Voice of Clear Light website.
We hope to have the translation of VOCL in Portuguese at a later date.
Upcoming Retreats
Serenity Ridge Retreat Center
The retreats listed below will take place at Serenity Ridge Retreat Center, Ligmincha International headquarters located in rural Nelson County, Virginia. To register or for more information, click on the links below, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or call 434-263-6304.
December 27, 2017–January 1, 2018
Winter Retreat: The Experiential Transmission of the Zhang Zhung, Part 4
with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Prerequisite: Previous completion of Parts 1, 2 and 3 of the Experiential Transmission of Zhang Zhung series.
Learn more/register
April 13–15, 2018
Spring Retreat: The Five Wisdoms
with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
June 24–July 7, 2018
Summer Retreat: Tummo: Inner Fire of Realization
with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
October 17–21, 2018
Fall Retreat: Powa: Transfer of Consciousness from the Bön Mother Tantra
with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
December 27, 2018–January 1, 2019
Winter Retreat: The Experiential Transmission of Zhang Zhung, Part 5
with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Prerequisite: Previous completion of Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the Experiential Transmission of Zhang Zhung series.
To register for any of the above retreats, or for more information about teachings in the Bön Buddhist tradition of Tibet, please This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , call the office at 434-263-6304 or visit the Serenity Ridge website.