Announcements Issue
Volume 17, Number 4 / August 2017
Letter from the Editors
Serenity Ridge Lifting Higher!
Dear Friends,
With the help of many dedicated and talented sangha members who have contributed photographs over the years, there is a rich visual collection now being created that will be an archive of Ligmincha International, now 25 years old. You will soon be able to enjoy a beautiful tour through Ligmincha‘s history in a special 25th anniversary book, filled with photos and text, expected to be available in the fall. For now, though, we want to share with you some beautiful photos, both old and new, of Serenity Ridge in Nelson County, Virginia, home of Ligmincha International. We've sprinkled in a few photos of Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, Ligmincha's teacher and founder. Enjoy!
Celebrate Cyber-Sangha Week beginning October 22 as part of Ligmincha's 25th Anniversary celebration! Rinpoche has encouraged us all to trust in the power of the cyber-sangha, and as he said recently in a TWR LIVE broadcast from the summer retreat at Serenity Ridge to all those participating at the retreat and around the world:
“It is always in our hearts to try and stay open, to give support and receive support from each other. The openness is both ways – we are all here together."
Be sure to look for details about the new, upcoming TWR LIVE Facebook series on Pith Instructions beginning September 6. Check out the next Ligmincha Learning and GlideWing (brand new!) online workshops starting in September. Also coming soon – a new Tibetan language course to be offered online through Zoom!
Just announced: Yangton Lama Tashi Gyaltsen Rinpoche will give weekend dzogchen teachings at Serenity Ridge on the Invocation of Tapihritsa September 16–17. Of course, everyone is invited to the 25th Anniversary celebration on Sunday, October 22, following the annual Fall Retreat at Serenity Ridge. See how you may be able to help Ligmincha’s resident lamas attend by donating frequent flyer miles. Also, there will be two Tibetan Yoga retreats at Serenity Ridge in November. Don't forget to register soon to get the early-bird discount for The 3 Doors Compassion Project online course. Learn about Rinpoche’s upcoming retreats in Europe, Asia and the U.S. Last, you'll find the link to the Spanish translation of the June issue of the Voice of Clear Light.
In Bön,
Aline and Jeff
Mark Your Calendars for Cyber-Sangha Week October 22–28
Seven Days of Online Celebration Honor 25th Anniversary
Rinpoche teaches online from SwitzerlandThis October a grand celebration will take place at Serenity Ridge Retreat Center, headquarters of Ligmincha International, in central Virginia as Ligmincha honors the 25 years since its founding by Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. If you can’t be at Serenity Ridge on October 22, you can still participate in the opening festivities from your computer or other device – part of a full week of special online observances – by visiting the Ligmincha International Facebook page. You don’t need a Facebook account to participate!
This weeklong event, October 22–28, 2017, is known as Cyber-Sangha Week. It is Ligmincha’s way of celebrating its teachers, teachings and traditions, as well as its many worldwide centers and spiritual communities (sanghas). By clicking and viewing, you’ll discover how you can benefit from a wide variety of online and in-person offerings.
The week’s observances include:
October 22: An opening ceremony will be broadcast live on Facebook from Serenity Ridge. There, Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, other Bön lamas and others will honor Ligmincha and some of the individuals who have contributed to Ligmincha over the years. Also on that day Ligmincha’s other retreat centers in Mexico, Poland and Colorado, and Lishu Institute near Dehradun, India are invited to share live broadcasts, recorded videos, photographs and more.
October 23–28: Ligmincha sanghas throughout North and South America, Europe and beyond will be posting and broadcasting online. So far, planned sharings include:
- Guided meditations broadcast live from practice groups around the world
- Live and recorded video tours of practice centers and teaching halls
- Live and recorded greetings from sangha members and Bön lamas worldwide
- Videos of previous onsite teachings around the world by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
- Photo albums of local sanghas, centers and events
- Diary entries from travels to sacred Bon and Buddhist locales in India and Nepal
- Announcement of the release of a mobile app designed to support the practice of Rinpoche’s teachings
- Video introducing Rinpoche, Ligmincha’s vision and many of the volunteers working to support his efforts
It all happens on the Facebook page of Ligmincha International
- If you’re a Facebook member, be sure to “like” the page so you can be notified of posts as they arrive.
- For updates about Cyber-Sangha Week and its schedule, click here.
- A note to Ligmincha sanghas that haven’t already sent their suggestions for participating in Cyber-Sangha Week: To learn how you can contribute, please This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
Join the Celebration of Ligmincha’s 25 Years October 22 at Serenity Ridge
Please Donate Frequent Flyer Miles for Resident Lamas to Attend
Everyone is warmly invited to attend a special celebration October 22 at Serenity Ridge Retreat Center in Virginia in honor of Ligmincha’s 25th anniversary. There is no charge to attend. You also are requested to donate frequent flyer miles so Ligmincha’s resident lamas can attend the event.
Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche founded Ligmincha International in March 1992 in Richmond, Virginia. Ligmincha headquarters soon moved to Charlottesville. Serenity Ridge Retreat Center in Nelson County, purchased in 1998, began hosting retreats that year and became the organization’s headquarters in 2009. Over the past 25 years, Ligmincha has become an international organization with centers and sanghas around the world and an active online cyber-sangha.
All sangha members are invited to Serenity Ridge for the special October 22 celebration. We extend a special invitation to international visitors to consider attending Fall Retreat, which runs from October 18–21, and also our Science and Spirituality Conference on October 23–24.
Morning activities on October 22 for sangha members include a sang chod ceremony and raising of prayer flags at 8 a.m., tea at 9 a.m. and sangha celebration in the gompa beginning at 10 a.m.
Afternoon activities will be open to the entire Tibetan community and area residents. From 12 noon until 4 p.m., all can enjoy a public event that includes music (Tibetan, sacred and offerings from our sangha), Tibetan food vendors, viewing of the new building and more. Ligmincha's Bookstore and Tibet Shop will be open. Look for additional information as plans develop.
Donate Frequent Flyer Miles
Ligmincha resident lamas throughout the world are being invited to the celebration, along with other Bön lamas who are already in the United States. Because of the high cost of travel for Ligmincha's resident lamas, we are seeking donations of frequent flyer miles to help with their airline tickets.
Donated frequent flyer miles will be used for tickets to Charlottesville, Virginia from Poland for Geshe Yungdrung Gyatso, from India for Geshe Thupten Negi, from Mexico for Lama Kalsang Nyima and Lama Yungdrung Lodoe, and from Texas for Geshe Denma Gyaltsen.
If you would like to donate frequent flyer miles to help the resident lamas, please This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Other donations for expenses related to the special day of celebration also are welcomed!
New TWR LIVE Series Begins September 6
Pith Instructions of Tibetan Bön Buddhism
From September 6 through November 22, 2017, Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche will offer a free, 12-week series of Pith Instructions, broadcast each Wednesday live from his Facebook Page.
Pith instructions are an extraordinarily simple and direct way to connect with the ancient Tibetan teachings, which can sometimes seem a bit complicated, in part because of how students think about and relate to them. In this series of TWR LIVE teachings, Rinpoche will draw from his own years of personal reflection while teaching from the dzogchen tradition of Tibetan Bön Buddhism.
The dzogchen, or "great perfection," teachings are considered the path of self-liberation and the highest form of teaching and practice in the Bön Buddhist tradition. Their practices transport the practitioner directly into the nature of mind, which is our true essence.
Each Wednesday at 1 p.m. New York time, Rinpoche will offer a new pith instruction live on Facebook. Rinpoche will present each teaching in a way that is particularly simple and accessible. Students will be encouraged to reflect on and experience its wisdom as directly, openly and immediately as possible.
Each pith instruction will be based on one of three different categories: base, path and fruition.
- Base: four weekly pith instructions that help us to understand our true nature – September 6, 13, 20 and 27
- Path: four weekly pith instructions that support us in directly realizing this truth through meditation practice – October 4, 11, 18 and 25
- Fruition: four weekly pith instructions that help us to fully realize, with confidence, who we really are, the truth that is already within us, and to fully manifest this realization in our life for the benefit of others – November 1, 8, 15 and 22
Between Wednesday sessions, Rinpoche will offer occasional unscheduled TWR LIVE sessions to elaborate on previous sessions or answer viewers' questions, plus special live conversations on related topics with invited teachers of the Bön or other traditions.
All broadcasts are free and open to all—you don’t need a Facebook account to view them. To access the viewing screen, visit Rinpoche’s Facebook page at the time of the broadcast.
All TWR LIVE sessions are recorded for future viewing. For the latest schedule updates related to this series, click here.
View introductory video
Video about TWR LIVE
Learn more/access real-time translations

New September Retreat on Tapihritsa Prayer Scheduled at Serenity Ridge
Taught by Yangton Lama Tashi Gyaltsen Rinpoche
Yangton Lama Tashi Gyaltsen Rinpoche will offer teachings on the Invocation of Tapihritsa on Saturday, September 16, and Sunday, September 17, 2017, at Serenity Ridge Retreat Center. Everyone is welcome to join us for this powerful dzogchen teaching from the Yungdrung Bön Buddhist lineage of Tibet.
Lama Tashi is the uncle of Serenity Ridge’s resident lama, Geshe Tenzin Yangton. He arrived this summer at Serenity Ridge for an extended visit.
The Invocation of Tapihritsa expresses the essence of dzogchen, the "great perfection," with Tapihritsa representing the true nature of reality. Considered both a historical figure and enlightened being, Tapihritsa was born around the 7th or 8th century CE and was one the 25th early Bön master of dzogchen to achieve the rainbow body. He allowed his student, Nangzher Lopo, to write down the lineage teachings for the benefit of future generations. The Invocation to Tapihritsa, written by Nangzher Lopo, has been translated into English and is a powerful teaching that guides the practitioner to realize the nature of mind.
In his clear, sensitive and direct teaching style, Lama Tashi will present the Invocation of Tapihritsa and explain its significance in a manner that will help develop and deepen our connection to our own essential goodness and compassion. Lama Tashi will teach in Tibetan, and translation will be provided Geshe Tenzin Yangton.
Registration is expected to open in August.
Yangton Lama Tashi Gyaltsen Rinpoche was born into the profound Yangton lineage in 1954 in Chharkha, in the remote region of Dolpo, northwest Nepal. He is the cousin of H.E Menri Ponlop Trinley Nyima Rinpoche and the first Chharkha-pa to come to Menri Monastery in India at the behest of H.E. Yongdzin Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche, in later years bringing his cousin and others. At present, he is the head lama of Yanggon Thongdrol Phuntsog Ling Monastery. Lama Tashi is known as an accomplished meditator and scholar. Along with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, Lama Tashi received his geshe degree (similar to a Ph.D. in religious studies) in 1986, graduating from the first class of geshes at Menri Monastery. He gained profound knowledge in the dzogchen teachings and many others from Yongdzin Sangye Tenzin, Yondgzin Tenzin Namdak and Tsundue Rinpoche. After that, he returned back to his native village of Chharka. There he constructed Yanggon Thondrol Phuntsok Ling Monastery in 1988. He relocated the temple of Tardzong Phuntsok Ling Monastery in 1993 and also constructed a prayer-wheel room, kitchen, monk’s residence and treasure room (storeroom), thus reestablishing a perfect environment for the three-year retreat practitioner and practitioners in general.
Online Course Through Ligmincha Learning
Sherap Chamma, Mother of Wisdom and Love with Marcy Vaughn
Sherap Chamma – Mother of Wisdom and Love
Ligmincha Learning's online course with Marcy Vaughn introduces the practices of Sherap Chamma, the Mother of Wisdom and Love. This six-week course runs from September 1–October 7, 2017.
In many cultures the primordial female energy is seen as the origin of existence and the source of all positive qualities. Sherap Chamma, Mother of Wisdom and Love, is the source of wisdom, and her medicine is love and compassion. The teachings of Sherap Chamma comprise one of the most important tantric cycles of the ancient Bön tradition.
In this online course, participants will learn a beautiful and simple meditation practice enabling each to directly connect with the divine feminine energy. Within the support of the group, we create an environment to promote profound healing of physical, energetic, emotional and spiritual dimensions of life. With visualization, the sound of mantra and deep contemplation, participants can make a personal connection to this sacred form of the universal mother, Sherap Chamma, and are guided through this connection to innate wisdom and the love and compassion that naturally radiate from that wisdom. Those experienced in meditation as well as those who are beginning are warmly welcomed.
Marcy Vaughn has been a practitioner of Tibetan Buddhism for more than 40 years and graduated in the first class of the master’s program in contemplative psychotherapy at Naropa University. Currently a therapist in private practice in Pennsylvania, Marcy teaches meditation classes and leads retreats that explore imagery and voice in the healing process. Marcy edited the books Tibetan Sound Healing, Awakening the Sacred Body and Awakening the Luminous Mind, all by Tenzin Wangyal. She helped design and teaches in the The 3 Doors Academy, a two-and-one-half-year training program bringing contemplative practices to the secular world.
Learn more and register
UPCOMING: October 13–November 26, 2017: The Five Elements, Healing with Form Energy and Light
Ongoing FREE Ligmincha Learning online course available: Starting a Meditation Practice
Next GlideWing Online Course Begins September 30
'The Truth That Sets You Free'
From September 30 through October 22, 2017, Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche will offer a new, three-week workshop through GlideWing Productions titled “The Truth That Sets You Free: Discovering Your Inner Wisdom Through Practices of Waking and Sleeping.”
With Rinpoche’s personal guidance, you will learn contemplative meditation practices of the day and sleep yoga practices of the night—powerful methods for liberating yourself from fear and other disturbing emotions, so that you may live more fully and genuinely in all aspects of life. Ultimately, these practices are about achieving final liberation, or enlightenment.
Nearly all of us feel strongly attached to our physical body and to our sense of identity as a professional, spouse, son or daughter, for example. But our genuine self is far simpler, and more profound, than any of these. Through the practice of sleep yoga and other guided meditations, Rinpoche will help you to discover the truth of who you are: a sense of spacious awareness that is beyond the ego-based identity and which is eternal, changeless, indestructible and serene. Realizing this truth is what liberates us from the fear and negative emotions that have trapped us in suffering. It can help us overcome fear even during the most challenging moments, including the time of our own death.
Tibetan Language Course in the Making!
More Details to Come on Ligmincha Website and Facebook
Plans are now being developed for a new Tibetan language course, to be offered later this year through Zoom.
Details are still being discussed among Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, Geshe Tenzin Yangton and Geshe Denma Gyaltsen about the new course, to be offered online through Zoom. It will be an introduction to the Tibetan language, including learning to read and pronounce the familiar Bön prayers. The course will be taught live through Zoom (an online video and web conferencing service similar to Skype).
Stay tuned for all the details about these new Tibetan Language teachings coming soon!
Upcoming Trul Khor Part 1 Retreat and Graduate Training
Sessions Begin November 2 and November 3
Alejandro Chaoul-Reich teaching trul khor Two Tibetan Bön Yoga retreats – a retreat from the A-Tri Dzogchen tradition open to all and a training for graduates of previous Tibetan Yoga series – will be held concurrently at Serenity Ridge in November.
Beginners and experienced students alike are invited to join us November 2–5 for instruction in the ancient practice of Tibetan yoga (trul khor) from the Bön A-tri Dzogchen tradition, taught by Alejandro Chaoul-Reich. This course can stand alone and also will serve as the first in a series for training that will also include the foundational movement of Tibetan yoga from Oral Transmission of Zhang Zhung, also a Bön dzogchen tradition. An intermediate training program will be offered over the following two years, followed by an advanced training for two more years. All trainings will be held at Serenity Ridge.
In the past this training series began with the Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyü trul khor. Now, we will start with the A-tri Dzogchen trul khor, as condensed by Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. All are welcome to attend.
Graduates who have done Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Tibetan Bön yoga from Ligmincha since 2002 can join Tibetan Bön Yoga, Postgraduate, Part 5, on November 3–5. In this retreat, participants will explore the body’s energetic dimensions and integrate the practice with everyday life. They will deepen their trul khor practice and also see how it connects with tummo (inner fire, heat, wisdom). Teaching with Alejandro will be Geshe Tenzin Yangton, Serenity Ridge resident lama, who has trained deeply in these practices in India and Nepal.
Tibetan yoga can serve as a powerful support for all spiritual practitioners, not only those with an interest in physical yogas. In the Tibetan spiritual traditions, body, speech/breath and mind are known as the three doors to enlightenment.The contemplative physical movements of Tibetan yoga (trul khor) enable us to enter all three doors at once through a single practice, offering a powerful, skillful means for clearing the obstacles and obscurations to openness and clarity in meditation practice.
Learn more about Tibetan Bön Yoga, Part 1
Learn more about Tibetan Bön Yoga, Postgraduate, Part 5
Alejandro Chaoul-Reich, Ph.D., has been teaching these retreats for more than 15 years at the request of Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. A senior student of Rinpoche, he has studied trul khor with many masters of the Bön Buddhist tradition of Tibet. He is an assistant professor and director of education at the University of Texas (UT) MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston and adjunct professor in UT’s Medical School. He teaches meditation to cancer patients and their supporters and is involved in research using tsa lung trul khor with cancer patients and their caregivers. Alejandro received his Ph.D. in Tibetan religions from Rice University and is a senior teacher of The 3 Doors.
Geshe Tenzin Yangton is the resident lama at Serenity Ridge Retreat Center. Born in 1974 in Chharka, a remote village in the Dolpo region of western Nepal bordering Tibet, he is part of the ancient Yangton lineage. In 1990 he became a monk at Triten Norbutse Monastery in Kathmandu, taking his vows from Yongdzin Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche. He attained his geshe degree (similar to a Ph.D. in religious studies) from the Bön Dialectic School at Menri Monastery in Dolanji, India, in 2006. He has served as an assistant to His Eminence Ponlop Trinley Nyima Rinpoche, head instructor of Menri Monastery, and has been coordinator of Yanggon Thongdrol Phuntsog Ling Monastery, Dolpo Tsaga Welfare Healthcare Clinic and many other projects.
Stella Richards Departs Serenity Ridge
Operations Manager for Past Three Years Retires
If you have visited Serenity Ridge in the past three years, then you have met Stella Richards, the center’s operations manager. Stella has brought her many skills and gifts to the center in a way that has transformed both the center and all of those that have had the blessing to work with her. Stella is retiring from Serenity Ridge to enter a new slower and more spacious phase of life. She and her husband are building a new home, and in August they leave to spend several months traveling together in Italy.
Stella’s emphasis on ensuring that every visitor is embraced by kindness and hospitality; her expansion of service retreats and the creation of personal retreat opportunities; the initiation of the residency program—these have brought a stronger sense of community to Serenity Ridge. They also have brought the center closer to being “a place of ceaseless activity,” Tenzin Rinpoche’s wish for Serenity Ridge. Stella has also been a major source in the improvement the center’s landscaping, cleaning up and replanting many flowerbeds with the help of Maria Quintana, Serenity Ridge’s facilities, grounds and housekeeping manager, and volunteers.
Before her tenure as operation manager, she worked for years part-time in the Serenity Ridge kitchen, often bringing fresh produce from her biodynamic farm for inclusion in meals. Stella, who has a Ph.D., also maintained her ongoing part-time practice as a depth psychologist during her time at Serenity Ridge.
All of us at Serenity Ridge will miss Stella’s presence, and we know that she will be missed by retreatants who have come to anticipate seeing her at arrival and throughout retreat. But, we also look forward to seeing her at the center in new volunteer roles. You may see Stella continuing to work on maintaining and improving our grounds, helping coordinate occasional retreats, and more.
We wish Stella every happiness, and thank her for having done so much to support Serenity Ridge and all of those who come to visit. She will be very much missed!
The 3 Doors Online Compassion Project Starts in September
Deadline for Early Registration Is August 15
Registration is open for the live online 3 Doors Compassion Project led by Senior 3 Doors Teachers Marcy Vaughn and Gabriel Rocco. This is a nine-month exploration into select practices that support compassionate care and self-compassion for healthcare professionals, educators, therapists and anyone who is motivated by compassion. The course begins on September 27, 2017.
The 3 Doors Compassion Project teaches caregivers practical meditation methods to maintain their motivation and recharge their energy, so they can respond to whatever arises in the moment from a natural place of presence. With more than 50 percent of healthcare professionals reporting symptoms of burnout, the need for self-care practices has never been greater.
The Compassion Project was co-founded by teachers Marcy Vaughn and Gabriel Rocco. Twenty-nine people recently completed the first in-person nine-month program, held in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania.
View program agenda/register
Read a recent news article about the Compassion Project
The SA LE Ö Mantra, Mantra of Great Perfection
View Rinpoche's Video Made During Summer Retreat
Enjoy this beautiful video and recording of Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche's new melody of the Mantra of Great Perfection. It was filmed by Tenzin Wangyal, Salvadore Espinosa and Katrina Scobie-Seadlo; the sound was recorded by Daniel Conover; with the group chant by Ligmincha sangha during the Summer Retreat, July 2017.
View seven-minute video
View teachings on the Great Mantra, given by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche from 2017 Summer Retreat. Includes a brief meditation followed by explanation and recitation of the mantra.
View explanation of Mantra of Great Perfection, the SA LE O Mantra
Serenity Ridge Photo Montage
Enjoy Images of Ligmincha's Headquarters and Founder
Enjoy this montage of photos of Serenity Ridge Retreat Center and the beautiful views atop the mountain with, of course, some pictures of Rinpoche, too.
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche's 2017 Teaching Schedule
Upcoming Retreats in Europe, Asia and the U.S.
Rinpoche will be teaching a number of retreats in Europe, Asia and the United States over the next few months. Here is a list of the upcoming retreats in August and September:
- August 7–13: Buchenau, Germany, European Summer Retreat: Twenty-One Nails, Part 3 (of 3)
- August 15–19: Wilga, Poland: Dream Yoga
- August 20: Warsaw, Poland: Dream Yoga
- September 1–3: Rome, Italy: Connecting to the Living Universe: Teachings on the Five Elements
- September 8–10: Budapest, Hungary: Tibetan Sound Healing and Long Life Practice of Tsewang Rigdzin
- September 15–17: Crestone, Colorado, U.S.: The Seven Mirrors of Dzogchen, Part 2
- September 23–24: Seoul, Korea: Sleep Yoga and Dzogchen
You can always find Rinpoche's teaching schedule by date and by location on the Ligmincha International website.
View schedule by date
View schedule by location
Look for Ligmincha Europe Summer Issue Soon
Sangha News in Europe and Worldwide
The Summer issue of Ligmincha Europe Magazine will go online by mid-August.
In this 25th issue, Pilar Revuelta Rivas and Carlos E. Villarreal, talk about the meditation program they initiated that is offered to the students, staff and teachers at a primary school, the HECAT in Mexico.
John Jackson, Santiago Villaveces and Wolfgang Krebs share their memories how Ligmincha started 25 years ago. An article that was published in Voice of Clear Light about the Five Warrior Syllables is reprinted. In the section ‘preparing to die’ you can read a compilation of teachings by Padmasambhava on the bardo. There is news from the European sangha, and the Colombian sangha is introduced.
Find the magazines here or here
Spanish Translation of VOCL
Link to June Issue Now Available
We hope to have the translation of VOCL in Portuguese at a later date.
Look for the translations of Voice of Clear Light newsletters at the top of the Voice of Clear Light website.
Upcoming Retreats
Serenity Ridge Retreat Center
The retreats listed below will take place at Serenity Ridge Retreat Center, Ligmincha International headquarters located in rural Nelson County, Virginia. To register or for more information, click on the links below, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or call 434-263-6304.
September 16–17, 2017
Invocation of Tapihritsa
with Lama Tashi Gyaltsen
Learn more/register
October 18–21, 2017
Fall Retreat: The Knowledge and Wisdom of Longevity: Teachings and Empowerment from the Tsewang Jarima
with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Learn more/register
October 22, 2017
Special Celebration: Ligmincha’s 25th Anniversary
Join us for a day of celebration, including music, food, viewing of the new building and more.
Learn more
October 23–24, 2017
Science and Spirituality Conference
with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and expert presenters
Learn more/register
November 2–5, 2017
Trul Khor – Tibetan Bon Yoga: Part 1
with Alejandro Chaoul-Reich
Learn more
November 3–5, 2017
Trul Khor – Postgraduate: Part 5
with Alejandro Chaoul-Reich and Honored Guest Geshe Tenzin Yangton
Prerequisite: Previous completion of Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4
Learn more
December 27, 2017–January 1, 2018
Winter Retreat: The Experiential Transmission of the Zhang Zhung, Part 4
with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Prerequisite: Previous completion of Parts 1, 2 and 3 of the Experiential Transmission of Zhang Zhung series.
Learn more
To register for any of the above retreats, or for more information about teachings in the Bön Buddhist tradition of Tibet, please This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , call 434-263-6304 or visit the Serenity Ridge website.