Announcements Issue
Volume 17, Number 2 / April 2017
Letter from the Editors
Teamwork Making It All Happen at Ligmincha International
Dear Friends,
These are busy days at Ligmincha International! Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche has inspired so many volunteers nearly everywhere around the world, together working to make different projects manifest ... including his FREE live Facebook broadcasts, called TWR LIVE, that he is giving every few days. Read the details below on how to connect, and check out the archive of past TWR LIVE broadcasts. Also, if you missed the Losar broadcast with Tenzin Rinpoche and the Ligimincha worldwide resident teachers, you can view the recording on YouTube here.
And starting April 8, don’t miss a new FREE two-week online GlideWing course taught by Rinpoche on "Focusing and Calming the Mind“ for both beginners and experienced practitioners. See all the details below.
There is a lot of teamwork being done in the planning for Ligmincha International's 25th Anniversary celebration this year. Read about how you can help by submitting photos. And see the latest details on the 25th Anniversary celebration that will take place in the fall. Following the Annual Fall Retreat (October 18-21), a special 25th Anniversary celebration will be held on Sunday, October 22, to be followed by the Science and Spirtuality Conference, beginning the evening of October 22 and continuing thru October 24. We are excited to share with you that during the Fall Retreat, Rinpoche will teach a new retreat topic for the first time – see the announcement below. We hope you can attend and join in celebrating Ligmincha's first 25 years!
Ligmincha's annual summer retreat is always a festive, as well as deep, time for students, both through connecting to the teachings and sangha and finding their home at Serenity Ridge in the beautiful Blue Ridge mountains of Virginia. This year Rinpoche will teach both dzogchen and the Bon Mother Tantra during each of the two weeks.
Of course, it takes teamwork to organize, plan, film, produce and promote – not to mention teach! – the latest online courses and practices that are available to students of Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. The GlideWing online free course on “Focusing and Calming the Mind,“ begins April 8; then later in April "The Nature of Mind – Achieving Great Bliss Through Pure Awareness“ will be offered. Also, Ligmincha Learning is offering a five-week online course on "The Three Heart Mantras“ that begins May 5.
Lishu Institute in Dehradun, India, offers a unique environment for devoted practitioners who want a place and time for in-depth study and practice. Read about the third year of teachings, starting in September 2017. Dzogchen teachings from the Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyü will be taught in three 10-week cycles.
The 3 Doors is expanding its Compassion Project, Conscious Leadership Workshop and Body Wisdom programs. Find out how you might join in these meaningful and exciting endeavors. Senior student Alejandro Chaoul-Reich, will be presenting at the Historic First International Chöd-Zhijé Conference in Colorado this summer – more details below.
Ligmincha International announces its newest Board of Directors member: Frank Jeri Gomez of Peru. The Board members are a group of dedicated volunteers working with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche to continually help make Rinpoche's vision manifest. Welcome, Frank Jeri, and thank you all for your continuing creativity and hard work!
You will find the link to Ligmincha Europe Magazine's beautifully produced Winter issue, containing not only the latest news and announcements from Ligmincha, but also in-depth articles, stories and interviews covering a vast array of Bon Buddhist topics, as well as beautiful photos. Great thanks go out to another wonderful team of volunteers making it happen!
You can always find Tenzin Rinpoche's teaching schedule by date and by location on the Ligmincha International website. And as always, you'll find the links to the Spanish and Portuguese translations of the February issue of the Voice of Clear Light, brought to us thanks to a team of volunteers and translators, bringing their gift through the Voice of Clear Light newsletter to you.
We'd like to thank our teacher, Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, who inspires us all to connect and to work as a team, who brings out the very best in us, who gives us many ways to grow and develop so that we can all give our hearts and souls in so many ways to benefit others.
If you are inspired to volunteer, email the This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it and let us know in what area you'd most like to assist.
Happy Anniversary, Ligmincha!
In Bön,
Aline and Jeff
New TWR LIVE Series Begins April 11
Sleep Yoga, Live on Facebook with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche has launched an innovative way for you to connect with him, the ancient Tibetan teachings and fellow students around the world through regular live broadcasts that can be easily viewed on Rinpoche’s Facebook page. All broadcasts are free and open to all—you don’t need a Facebook account to view them.
To access the viewing screen, visit Rinpoche’s Facebook page at the time of the broadcast (click here to see the broadcast schedule). If the screen doesn’t appear right away, the broadcast may not have begun yet, so try reloading the page. If you have a Facebook account, you’ll have an opportunity to submit questions and receive answers from Rinpoche. Be sure to “like” his page and click “Follow” to receive a notification each time Rinpoche goes live.
The Sleep of Clear Light: How falling asleep with awareness can change your life
Beginning April 11, 2017, Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche will offer a new, five-week series of TWR LIVE teachings on sleep yoga. A powerful tool for awakening, sleep yoga is more than a practice of the night. It helps us to integrate all moments—waking, sleeping, meditation, and even death—with the clear light of awareness.
Each Tuesday of the five-week series, Rinpoche will offer a teaching and guided meditation; each Thursday he will answer viewers' questions from the previous session and guide a supportive meditation practice. All sessions will begin at 1 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time U.S. (New York time) and last for 30 to 40 minutes.
- April 11 & 13: Preparing Your Mind for Sacred Sleep
- April 18 & 20: Meditating on Clear Light While Asleep
- April 25 & 27: Daytime Practices to Prepare for the Night
- May 2 & 4: Who Are You as You Fall Asleep?
- May 9 & 11: Sleeping with Awareness, Dying Without Fear
Learn more/TWR LIVE schedule
More about sleep yoga
View archive of recordings of TWR LIVE events
Newly Scheduled:
April 6, 2017, at 9 p.m. New York time: Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche in conversation with author, facilitator and teacher Diane Musho Hamilton
Topic: Conflict as a Source of Insight: Practical approaches to find connection in difficult relationships
Diane Musho Hamilton is a mediator, group facilitator and contemporary spiritual teacher. She has mediated a broad range of disputes and transactions in settings that private industry, governmental and nonprofit agencies, and individuals. She was the first director of the Office of Alternative Dispute Resolution for the Utah Judiciary. A meditation practitioner for almost 30 years, she has studied at Naropa University and in 2003 received ordination as a Zen monk.
May 24, 2017, 12 noon New York time: Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche in conversation with theoretical quantum physicist Amit Goswami
Dr. Amit Goswami is a retired professor from the University of Oregon’s Department of Physics. He is a pioneer of “science within consciousness” and is among a growing body of scientists who have ventured into the domain of the spiritual in an attempt both to interpret findings of curious experiments and to validate intuitions about the existence of a spiritual dimension. Goswami has written numerous books based on his research on quantum physics and consciousness. His most recent is The Everything Answer Book. Goswmi has appeared in the film "What the Bleep Do We Know" and its sequel, "Down the Rabbit Hole," as well as the documentaries "Dalai Lama Renaissance" and the awared-winning "The Quantum Activist.

Update on Ligmincha's Fall 25th Anniversary Celebrations!
Fall Retreat, October 22 Anniversary Celebration, Science and Spirituality Conference
Join us for a series of special teachings and events this fall at Serenity Ridge Retreat Center in honor of the 25th anniversary of Ligmincha International. We warmly invite our Ligmincha International sangha to join us at Serenity Ridge in Virginia, headquarters of the international organization, for this special celebration.
Fall Retreat
This fall, Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche will teach for the first time on the topic “The Knowledge and Wisdom of Longevity.” The Fall Retreat is scheduled from October 18–21.
In this very special four-day retreat, Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche will teach from the Tsewang Jarima, a text written by Tsewang Rigdzin, as well as offer the empowerment related to its practice. The son of the eighth century Tibetan master Drenpa Namkha, Tsewang Rigdzin is known as the “King of Longevity.” In addition to composing many ritual texts aimed at alleviating suffering, he was a dzogchen lineage master.
The wisdom of Tsewang Rigdzin and the practices associated with this teaching can help us retrieve, extend and enhance our life force: healing environmental, physical, emotional and energetic imbalances in our lives.
Registration is expected to open in April.
Learn more and view video from Rinpoche
Day of Celebration October 22
Immediately following the Fall Retreat, on October 22, all are invited to attend a daylong celebration of Ligmincha International’s 25th Anniversary. Plans are still being finalized for the event. Serenity Ridge will host an open house with many free events, including guided practice, music, visual arts and viewing of the new building. Join Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, Ligmincha’s resident lamas and other special guests. More information will be available later.
Science and Spirituality Conference
In past years, Ligmincha has hosted several Buddhism and Science conferences at Serenity Ridge. Join us beginning the evening of October 22 through October 24 for the Science and Spirituality Conference. The theme is “The Medicine of Mind: Healing Physical and Emotional Pain.”
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and a select group of top investigators will discuss research and findings related to how meditation and other spiritual practices can bring about healing of physical and emotional pain. Rinpoche will deliver the keynote address on October 22, guide meditation sessions and participate in panel discussions. More information to come.
We hope you’ll be able to join us for one or all of these exciting events as we celebrate Ligmincha’s 25 years of existence and look forward to a bright future with an ever-growing international community. More information will be posted on the Serenity Ridge website as we move closer to the date.
Request for Photos for 25th Anniversary Book
Share Your Ligmincha Gems With All of Us
One of our main projects to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Ligmincha International is the production of a special edition book highlighting the history of Ligmincha and Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche’s teachings all over the world.
To create this special edition, we need your help in collecting beautiful photos from different periods in Ligmincha's development, starting in 1992 and continuing up through the present. We especially want to include photos from the different places where Rinpoche has taught all around the world. Please look at the list of topics below, and look for photos in your archive related to these different events. The deadline for submitting photos is April 17.
Guidelines for submission are attached below.
Topic Areas
- Establishment of Ligmincha Institute as a nonprofit in 1992: photos from the early days of Ligmincha
- Our Retreat Centers: Serenity Ridge, Chamma Ling Valle de Bravo (Mexico), Chamma Ling Torreon (Mexico), Chamma Ling Poland and Chamma Ling Colorado
- Teachings throughout the world
- Teachings by His Holiness Lungtok Tenpai Nyima Rinpoche and His Eminence Yongdzin Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche
- Building Stupas: Valle de Bravo, Mexico (consecrated December 2010), Torreon, Mexico (consecrated February 2006) and Chamma Ling Wilga, Poland (consecrated October 2013)
- Formation of Ligmincha organization worldwide: photos from all worldwide centers
- First Bön lamas meeting at Serenity Ridge, October 2013
- Ligmincha Buddhism and Science conference at Serenity Ridge in 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016 (at UPenn).
- Internet outreach: websites, webcasts, live translation of webcasts, Facebook, Facebook LIVE
- Newsletter Outreach: Voice of Clear Light in English, Spanish and Portuguese. Ligmincha Europe magazine
- The Three Doors Academy: Academies in Europe, Mexico and the U.S.
- Lishu Institute
Let’s work together to make this a beautiful, inspiring, touching and historical commemoration of Ligmincha's 25th Anniversary!

Free GlideWing Online Course Starts April 8
'Focusing and Calming Your Mind – The Tibetan Practice of Zhine'
Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche will offer a free two-week online beginning meditation workshop through GlideWing starting April 8. The title is “Focusing and Calming Your Mind: The Tibetan Practice of Zhiné.“
Almost every spiritual tradition includes a practice that develops concentration and stillness of the mind. This practice is called "calm abiding" or zhiné in the Tibetan traditions.
The practice of zhiné develops the strong, stable attention and stillness necessary to overcome the continual movements of the mind. The ability to maintain focused attention and abide in clear, open awareness enables you to live more fully in the present and also cultivates spiritual awakening. The practice affords an opportunity to step out of the distractions of everyday life and come home to yourself.
Please note that this workshop was previously titled "Meditation for Beginners." Although the Tibetan practice of zhiné can provide a strong foundation for beginners, it also can be a valuable addition to any spiritual practice for anyone who wishes to develop a calm and focused state of mind. Through the practice you will learn to quiet and calm the mind by focusing attention on a single object. Three forms of zhiné are taught: focusing on a visual support; focusing on sound; and focusing on the “Three Precious Pills” – stillness of the body, silence of the speech and spaciousness of the mind.
Rinpoche instructs and guides the practice through a series of videos that can be watched at home on your own schedule. A discussion forum lends a sense of community and permits you to share experiences, ask questions and engage in mutual support. A course moderator will ensure that forum discussions are appropriate and supportive. Although Rinpoche will not be able to answer individual questions in this workshop, he may send occasional messages to the workshop group as a whole.
April 29-May 21, 2017: Tibetan Meditation: Achieving Great Bliss Through Pure Awareness

Summer Retreat Invitation from Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Early-bird Discount Ends May 11; New Practice Retreat Option
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Both new and continuing students are warmly invited to gather at Serenity Ridge for this special summer retreat with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. This year marks the 25th anniversary of Rinpoche’s founding of Ligmincha International.
Rinpoche has graciously agreed to teach on two topics this summer: pith instructions on the nature of mind (dzogchen) and teachings from Bön Mother Tantra. These are the focus of Rinpoche’s own personal practice and the core of his teachings for the past 25 years.See a special invitation from Rinpoche to all students below.
Week 1: June 25–July 1, 2017
Week 2: July 2–8, 2017
A Special Invitation from Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche:
I personally invite all of my students, newer and old, to join me at this summer retreat at Serenity Ridge. For the last 25 years, I have been teaching dzogchen, the nature of mind. The many other teachings I have taught are rooted in the sacred teachings of the Bön Mother Tantra.
Among the dzogchen teachings, the Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyu (the Oral Tradition of Zhang Zhung) is the most important cycle of teachings. When I first studied dzogchen with my teacher, Lopon Sangye Tenzin, he introduced the teachings on the Twenty-Four Masters and their quintessential instructions from the fruit of their practice. We listened to their instructions and practiced together. I will teach in the same way I received these teachings from Lopon Sangye Tenzin. We will have time to go through the pith instructions as I was taught, and by practicing together gain glimpses of the wisdom and knowledge described by these meditation masters of dzogchen.
In the afternoons I will teach on the six methods from the Bön Mother Tantra – the practices of the elements, chöd, bardo, powa, sleep and dream – and their relationship to the Threefold Practice of the Primordial State of the Mother Tantra. This is the text used at the tsok (ritual food offering) that concludes our summer and winter retreats at Serenity Ridge. Reciting it supports our connection to the lineage and its stream of blessings. The central deity of the Mother Tantra is my personal yidam (the meditation deity Sangchok Gyalpo), and these practices are close to my heart.
My hope is that this retreat will support your connection, understanding and experience of these profound teachings and their roots in the Bön tradition.
—Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
View video from Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Summer Practice Retreat: July 9–15, 2017 with Geshe Tenzin Yangton
Following our annual summer retreat with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, continue your stay at Serenity Ridge by registering for a practice retreat with Geshe Tenzin Yangton, resident lama at Serenity Ridge.
Geshe Yangton will lead two daily practice sessions, with ample time for individual practice and reflection. The sessions will focus on practices taught during the previous two weeks at the Summer Retreat. Participants also may schedule one private, 10-minute interview with Geshe Tenzin Yangton.

Next Ligmincha Learning Online Course Starts May 5
'The Three Heart Mantras'
Sign up now for Ligmincha Learning's five-week online course with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche on “The Three Heart Mantras.” This course runs from May 5–June 10, 2017, and is being offered at a new lower price.
The Three Heart Mantras are used in many different meditations in the Bön tradition and play a major role in the ngrondro (preliminary) practices. They are said to be the essence of enlightenment in sound and energy, and as we sing or chant the mantras our awareness is transformed to be in union with the Buddhas. They are used for purification, protection and as primary practices toward self realization.
It is said that creating these mantras in any form brings merit and purification, so they are commonly found carved into stones, printed on prayer flags where they spread their benefits through the winds, and even drawn with gold ink and kept on shrines as an object of reverence and meditation. Their blessings are said to be endless. Also within this course Tenzin Rinpoche explains the essence of the guru yoga, refuge and bodhicitta practices, making this an excellent introduction to the tradition.
Ongoing FREE Ligmincha Learning online course available: Starting a Meditation Practice

Dzogchen Teachings at Lishu Institute
Consider In-Depth Study in Residential Program
Lishu Institute announces the third year of its in-depth residential program of study. The year will focus on the study of dzogchen, the nature of mind, transmitted through the teachings of the Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyü. Anyone is welcome to apply, whether or not you have attended the first two years of the program.
The teachings will be held at Lishu Institute, near Dehradun in northern India, from September 2017 to June 2018 in three 10-week retreat sessions. The sessions are designed in a modular way so that one can come for the whole cycle or for one or two sessions. Both new and experienced students will benefit from this intensive practice-oriented retreat.
The Zhang Zhjung Nyen Gyü is one of the major dzogchen teachings in the Yungdrung Bön tradition. These teachings have been continuously transmitted from early times through an unbroken lineage.
The three cycles of teachings and their dates are:
- September 4–November 10, 2017: Demonstration of the meaning of the Tantra of the Twelve Small Precepts (practice on the natural state of the mind)
- January 8–March 16, 2018: The Practice Manual called the Six Essential Points of the Bodhichitta (The Six Lamps, practice of vision)
- April 2–June 8, 2018: The 21 Nails (the natural state from 21 points of view)
This is a great opportunity to learn and deepen your practice in a conducive environment not far from Menri Monastery.
View poster for third year of teachings
Learn more
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3 Doors Expands Its Programs
Practical Applications for Meditation in Everyday Life
This year The 3 Doors is expanding its Compassion Project, Conscious Leadership Workshop and Body Wisdom programs. Building on the continued success of the nine-month Compassion Project, Senior 3 Doors teachers Marcy Vaughn and Gabriel Rocco will lead a five-week Compassion Project class in May and a live online nine-month program that will begin in September.With a focus on supporting healthcare providers, educators, therapists and anyone who is motivated by compassion, The 3 Doors Compassion Project goes beyond basic mindfulness to help people understand how to remain present through difficult situations and process pain in relation to self, work and society.
“Because I’ve spent most of my life doing and not necessarily ‘being,' this is a seismic shift in my approach to living – and the benefits are profound. . . . Being able to just be with the things that I struggle with is another level of self-care that I haven’t ever experienced before.” -Tami B., Surgeon
It isn’t only 3 Doors teachers who are expanding their program offerings; many 3 Doors presenters are rolling out pilot programs to larger audiences. This summer, presenter Frank Jeri and senior teacher Laura Shekerjian are offering another Conscious Leadership Workshop to university and business leaders in Lima, Peru. Currently, presenters Pilar Revuelta and Carlos Villarreal, who were mentored by senior teacher Ale Chaoul-Reich during their multiyear HECAT Education Project pilot, are working with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche to expand the 3 Doors Education Program.
Read more
To register for programs or to sign up for the newsletter and receive notification about new program opportunities and the impact of The 3 Doors practices in communities, visit

Alejandro Chaoul-Reich to Speak at Chöd Conference in July
Hosted at Tara Mandala in Pagosa Springs, Colorado
Alejandro Chaoul, Ph.D., senior student of Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, will be a presenter at the Historic First International Chöd-Zhijé Conference to be held July 12-16, 2017.
Alejandro is also a senior teacher for the 3 Doors, a nonprofit organization founded by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche with the goal of transforming people’s lives through meditation. He holds a doctorate in Tibetan Religions from Rice University and teaches various meditation practices, including Chöd and Tibetan Yoga through Ligmincha International. He is the author of Chöd Practice in the Bön Tradition.
The conference will be held at beautiful Tara Mandala, in Pagosa Springs, Colorado, founded by Lama Tsultrim Allione. This Historic First International Chöd-Zhije Conference will draw together leading scholars and practitioners researching and teaching this unique lineage in its various manifestations. Keynotes, panel discussions and small group sessions will be held. They will explore the teachings of 11th century Tibetan yogini Machig Labdrön and her teacher, the renowned Indian yogi Padampa Sangye; the developments of the lineage over the last millennium; the role of women; and the application of these teachings to our modern world. Dharma teachings and performances of Chöd songs and dances will foster a rich and engaged experience. Follow-up retreats will offer the opportunity to learn some of the different Chöd practices.
Here is a short description of Alejandro's workshop on “Cutting Through Boundaries: A Workshop on the Bönpo Chöd (gcod) “ that is given on the conference website:
In the beautiful autumn of 1989, a striking melodious voice accompanied by powerful bells and drums reached my room in Zilnon Kagye Ling monastery in Dharamsala, India.
This was Alejandro Chaoul’s introduction to Chöd, leading him on an in-depth journey to research and learn Chöd from different traditions, primarily among Nyingma and Bön lineages. Inspired by his teachers, Yeshe Dorje Rinpoche, Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche, Lopon Tenzin Namdak, and Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, he pursued an exploration of Chöd and its origins in the Bön tradition from both an academic and practitioner’s perspective.
In this workshop Dr. Chaoul will share his experience of the various Bönpo Chöd lineages and how one can practice it in a simple way, without needing a bell or a drum. This practice can become a powerful tool for the practitioner to confront their fears and limitations, finding support in a state of mind that is more open, luminous, and warm.
Learn more about the Chod Conference
Ligmincha International's Board of Directors
Newest Member Joins Dedicated Group of Volunteers
Ligmincha International Headquarters at Serenity Ridge
Did you know that Ligmincha International is run by a Board of Directors, a group of dedicated volunteer leaders and a small administrative staff? Many of the activities and projects that are continually under way at Ligmincha are managed and implemented by these volunteers, who are vital to the success of the organization.
The newest board member is Frank Jeri Gomez of Peru.Frank Jeri first encountered Bön in 2010 and immediately felt a deep connection with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and his spiritual lineage. He has served as board member for The 3 Doors since 2015, and currently offers 3 Doors teachings as a presenter and seminar leader. Professionally, Frank works as Wellness and Development Director for the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences. He holds master's degrees in business administration and in management and leadership. He and his wife, Eli, live with their daughter Muriel in Lima, Peru.
The role of the Ligmincha International Board of Directors is twofold:
- The board works with Ligmincha's Spiritual Director Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche to understand his vision and priorities for Ligmincha International. It then develops policies and procedures based on his guidance for the international community of practitioners.
- The board listens to the voices of the sanghas and individual practitioners around the world and works to ensure that Ligmincha is supporting them as fully as possible.
H.E. Yongdzin Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche—Director Emeritus
Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche—Founder and Spiritual Director
Rob Patzig—President and Board Chair, USA
Anneke Dekkers—The Netherlands
Patty Gift—USA
Frank Jeri Gomez—Peru
Carlos Madero—Mexico
Justyna Przondo—Poland
Gabriel Rocco—USA
Pam Rodeheaver—USA
Ligmincha welcomes the participation of volunteers in a range of areas, from contributing graphic design or maintenance skills to taking photographs to assisting during retreats, and more. If you would like to deepen your involvement with Ligmincha International by volunteering your services, please email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Ligmincha Europe Magazine Winter Issue
Includes Feature on Mexican Sangha
Read this beautiful issue including an article and interview on the "Three Bon Stupas in Mexico" and many, many beautiful photographs. Thank you, Ton and team!!

Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche's 2017 Teaching Schedule
Links by Date and Location
On Ligmincha International's website you can always find Rinpoche's teaching schedule by date and by location.
Spanish and Portuguese Translations of VOCL
Links to February Issue Now Available

Upcoming Retreats
Serenity Ridge Retreat Center
The retreats listed below will take place at Serenity Ridge Retreat Center, Ligmincha International headquarters located in rural Nelson County, Virginia. To register or for more information, click on the links below, email us or call 434-263-6304.
March 31–April 2, 2017
Spring Retreat: Meditation on the Six Lokas: Purifying the Obstacles to Enlightenment
with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
(Personal Practice Retreat also is possible during this time)
June 25–July 8, 2017
Summer Retreat: Bön Dzogchen Pith Instructions & Sadhana of the Bön Mother Tantra
with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
You are welcome to attend one or both weeks. Live translation available in Spanish.
Learn more/register
July 9–15, 2017
Summer Practice Retreat
with Geshe Tenzin Yangton
October 18–21, 2017
Fall Retreat: The Knowledge and Wisdom of Longevity
with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Learn more [Registration will open in April]
October 22, 2017
Special Celebration: 25th Anniversary of Ligmincha International and Viewing of New Building
October 22 (evening)–October 24, 2017
Science and Spirituality Conference
with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and expert presenters
More details coming soon!
December 27, 2017–January 1, 2018
Winter Retreat: The Experiential Transmission of the Zhang Zhung, Part 4
with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Prerequisite: Previous completion of Part 3 of the Experiential Transmission of Zhang Zhung series.
To register for any of the above retreats, or for more information about teachings in the Bön Buddhist tradition of Tibet, please This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , call (+1) 434-218-1290 or visit the Serenity Ridge website.