Request for Photos for 25th Anniversary Book
Share Your Ligmincha Gems With All of Us

One of our main projects to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Ligmincha International is the production of a special edition book highlighting the history of Ligmincha and Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche’s teachings all over the world.
To create this special edition, we need your help in collecting beautiful photos from different periods in Ligmincha's development, starting in 1992 and continuing up through the present.We especially want to include photos from the different places where Rinpoche has taught all around the world. Please look at the list of topics below, and look for photos in your archive related to these different events. The deadline for submitting photos is April 17.
Guidelines for submission are attached below.
Topic Areas
- Establishment of Ligmincha Institute as a nonprofit in 1992: photos from the early days of Ligmincha
- Our Retreat Centers: Serenity Ridge, Chamma Ling Valle de Bravo (Mexico), Chamma Ling Torreon (Mexico), Chamma Ling Poland and Chamma Ling Colorado
- Teachings throughout the world
- Teachings by His Holiness Lungtok Tenpai Nyima Rinpoche and His Eminence Yongdzin Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche
- Building Stupas: Valle de Bravo, Mexico (consecrated December 2010), Torreon, Mexico (consecrated February 2006) and Chamma Ling Wilga, Poland (consecrated October 2013)
- Formation of Ligmincha organization worldwide: photos from all worldwide centers
- First Bön lamas meeting at Serenity Ridge, October 2013
- Ligmincha Buddhism and Science conference at Serenity Ridge in 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016 (at UPenn).
- Internet outreach: websites, webcasts, live translation of webcasts, Facebook, Facebook LIVE
- Newsletter Outreach: Voice of Clear Light in English, Spanish and Portuguese. Ligmincha Europe magazine
- The Three Doors Academy: Academies in Europe, Mexico and the U.S.
- Lishu Institute
Let’s work together to make this a beautiful, inspiring, touching and historical commemoration of Ligmincha's 25th Anniversary!
Photo submission guidelines