Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Both new and continuing students are warmly invited to gather at Serenity Ridge for this special summer retreat with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. This year marks the 25th anniversary of Rinpoche’s founding of Ligmincha International.
Rinpoche has graciously agreed to teach on two topics this summer: pith instructions on the nature of mind (dzogchen) and teachings from Bön Mother Tantra. These are the focus of Rinpoche’s own personal practice and the core of his teachings for the past 25 years.See a special invitation from Rinpoche to all students below.
Week 1: June 25–July 1, 2017
Week 2: July 2–8, 2017
I personally invite all of my students, newer and old, to join me at this summer retreat at Serenity Ridge. For the last 25 years, I have been teaching dzogchen, the nature of mind. The many other teachings I have taught are rooted in the sacred teachings of the Bön Mother Tantra.
Among the dzogchen teachings, the Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyu (the Oral Tradition of Zhang Zhung) is the most important cycle of teachings. When I first studied dzogchen with my teacher, Lopon Sangye Tenzin, he introduced the teachings on the Twenty-Four Masters and their quintessential instructions from the fruit of their practice. We listened to their instructions and practiced together. I will teach in the same way I received these teachings from Lopon Sangye Tenzin. We will have time to go through the pith instructions as I was taught, and by practicing together gain glimpses of the wisdom and knowledge described by these meditation masters of dzogchen.
In the afternoons I will teach on the six methods from the Bön Mother Tantra – the practices of the elements, chöd, bardo, powa, sleep and dream – and their relationship to the Threefold Practice of the Primordial State of the Mother Tantra. This is the text used at the tsok (ritual food offering) that concludes our summer and winter retreats at Serenity Ridge. Reciting it supports our connection to the lineage and its stream of blessings. The central deity of the Mother Tantra is my personal yidam (the meditation deity Sangchok Gyalpo), and these practices are close to my heart.
My hope is that this retreat will support your connection, understanding and experience of these profound teachings and their roots in the Bön tradition.
—Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
View video from Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Following our annual summer retreat with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, continue your stay at Serenity Ridge by registering for a practice retreat with Geshe Tenzin Yangton, resident lama at Serenity Ridge.
Geshe Yangton will lead two daily practice sessions, with ample time for individual practice and reflection. The sessions will focus on practices taught during the previous two weeks at the Summer Retreat. Participants also may schedule one private, 10-minute interview with Geshe Tenzin Yangton.